Second Captains

Interesting to see what sky do with this. Should just switch off the charge now and make it FTA for few months and show the back catalogue

Lot of good PR to be had in this crisis. People remember how you acted when there was a problem


It would take too long to get the rights to do that.

The rights to do what? Show their back catalogue of games they have already shown?

Premier league own the rights not sky. Same issue arose in horse racing with Irish racing. Matt chapman had a thing up making any race older than five years free to everybody and they knocked it back. Not sure if it’s the same for gaa but it is for most pro sports.

Sky has a 2 hour long review of every single PL season.

Part of the rights though more than likely to have a special review or whatever a long with match choice and what not.

Sky also for a time we’re showing full games from the previous week on demand but I’m pretty sure that’s stopped too. The reason I’m not sure.

Hard to have too much sympathy for the second captain crew after their shameful treatment of an Irish legend in Steve Staunton. What goes around comes around.

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What treatment was that? The lads will be grand, most of their guests are talking over calls anyway

The name of the show is a piss take of him

The name of the show is a piss take on something Stan said. Early asked him is x like a second captain and Stan replied first captain second captain whatever.

It’s more of a piss take of the question by Early than it is of Steve Staunton

Early sounds ridiculous talking about soccer . His accent is way too posh

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He’s able to make soccer sound more important than it really is when it’s talked about using fancy words.

Yeah, they have a good list of contributors on the end of a phone. Just listened to a recent episode on the new nike marathon runners with a South African and an American. All conducted over phone/Skype.

I see wooly is now going to do full analysis shows on old all ireland finals. 05 football and 96 hurling first up

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He’s able to make it sound way more entertaining than it is, and it is entertaining anyway, because he’s a genius.

His regular stream of consciousness monologues are outstanding.

100% not true, I used to listen to the show. Lambasted Staunton for years after he left the Ireland job. Shocking especially when nearly all of stauntons family live in Ireland.

Should be epic. He’ll have plenty to say about 96 I’m sure :pint:

Early has a fairly neutral accent. I hope the lads remain mainly sports oriented, even if that’s talking about old games or whatever, rather than being more political/coronavirus focused