Second Captains

What’s the solution so? Lads are great to comment and bring problems. Stop making your problem our problem!! What’s the solution? Who in your opinion should we be listening to?

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History podcasts.


meditation and affirmation

It’ll make you a better conversationist and person rather than listening to lads regurgitate opinions.

Could you be any more vauge?

Music, ffs!

Do you really need to listen to someone on events you’ve watched or topics you yourself know about?

O’Dowd is on the ball as always - expand your horizons to people and topics you know little about.

For example, @Cheasty and @glasagusban could listen to podcasts on Ukraine war as they know next to nothing about it.

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  1. Pick an album you love.

Find 5 other albums by different bands the same producer produced. It’s a wonderful way to find new music.

And Chopin. Listen to Chopin. And Charles Mingus.

  1. Listen to a fiction audiobook.

  2. Listen to a non fiction audiobook.

  3. Listen to a history podcast.

It’s time better spent man.

Sure if that’s the case, why would you ever buy a newspaper or a magazine? You are looking for other peoples opinions on matters that interest you. You then decide if you agree with them or hold a different viewpoint. It’s called informing yourself, educating yourself. My opinions are not the be-all and end-all. I want to know what other people think.


Sports Podcasts need to produce too much content for there to be any quality control.

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It’s amazing this has to be pointed out. The ossification in the brains of the Roganbots must be something dreadful. Endlessly consuming the aural equivalent of marshmallow flavoured lard.

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Jesus Christ… Who does that in this day and age?

They are all highly biased and influenced.

Do you honestly think youre getting the news when you turn on Six one or whatever shite you watch?

No wonder youre so happy to part with your money so easily. You just want to be fed shite to feel informed rather than actually being informed.

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I’ve never listened to it either. I’ve given Off The Ball the odd listen pre & post their involvement & heard a few interesting segments/interviews but never stuck with it.

There’s clearly a market for it, probably in a couple of different ways. Firstly, as you allude to, there’s folk that enjoy in depth reviews/analysis of matches. Secondly, others voraciously lap up CONTENT around sports rather than purely the matches themselves - the background stories, the corruption, the finances, the drug taking, the pioneering training, the personalities, the history, the rivalries, the heartbreak, the injuries, the retirements, the emerging starts, the cheating etc etc. Podcasts & longer format radio shows allow them to go into detail here.

Given my own time constraints and commitment to TFK posting, my focus is on catching the matches along with pre & post match content from the protagonists. That’s primarily Celtic & Ireland football games with the odd CL, EPL, stick fighting or bogball match thrown in. I just watched Matt O’Riley’s 10-minute press conference previewing tonight’s Celtic-Hearts clash because he’s really good looking & a savvy media operator. I’ll watch the match tonight (cup of tea at kick-off) & get Ange’s post match views too.

I wouldn’t really have the time/inclination after that to listen to podcasts. I certainly wouldn’t attend a roadshow or live podcast event but I wouldn’t have a go at anyone for doing so either. Similarly, lots of women attend in-person events hosted by Pippa O’Connor & the likes & that’s absolutely fine with me too. Each to their own, as @The_Most_Infamous says when he’s made a baffling comment about Ukraine. For all its faults, I find Twitter a useful tool. You’re choosing who to follow so you’re screening what’s coming up & can avoid total headbangers. I’ve often happened upon an interesting article or interview that’s been tweeted by someone I follow rather than actively seeking it out.

All in all, good luck to anyone that’s forged a successful & well paid career in an area they’re passionate about, even you Shane Lowry. Now, back to the spreadsheets for me.


You’d generally get far better analysis on tfk than those sports podcasts.


He hides it well

It’s amazing it has to be pointed out that this is a good idea.

When did Early start writing about football in the Irish Times? Jaysus bhoys, I read a couple of his early articles & it was clear as day he was a chief Murderpool footix.


Pretty sure that when they left Newstalk the podcast was sponsored by Irish Times, so reckon Ken started a column then - all though that seems a long time

Not sure when Murph starting his column which takes a “sideways look” at the GAA world

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Says the king of sloganism who dismisses every and any alternative viewpoint to his own as right wing.

For all your preaching you are severely lacking in tolerance and balance.

Like @Locke you only seek out and read materials to confirm your own world view.

I dont really listen to many podcasts and I’d not pay for any.

I worship Joe Rogan as a hero alright and hang on his every word but other than that I’m not a podcast fella.

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It is unlistenable

I like Craig Charles on a Saturday night.

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OTB is generally a tough listen. I’d only hear it the odd time I’m in the car and generally there are better options for me at the time (John Kelly or occasionally Creedon in recent years :astonished:). That Crappy Quiz has to be one of the worst things to ever appear on national radio. And I don’t say that lightly, considering the years of work Brenda O’Donoghue has got from RTÉ