Second Captains

100 words?

Who are “the loons” and why are they “loons”?

Why should people not listen to Fanning and Brolly’s podcast?

And what should they listen to instead, and why?


I didn’t ask for a link to a podcast, thanks.

It’s only 5 minutes long and free

…like, like, like…

Jamie Wall is probably a grand fella, but he is coming across as a bit of a simpleton with his weekly like, like, like…

He speaks with his Cork accent - they all speak like (like, like) that down here.

Couldn’t agree more. He comes across as such a moron and doesn’t really end up saying much, let alone interesting.

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All young people seem to speak like that now… fuck me, but it’s excruciating. Anyone that listens to Second captains deserves it tho.

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So you didn’t listen to it.

Was up at 4 am and caught up with Conan o Brien interview. Very poor.

The interview with Annie mac the Dj was outstanding.

Took the plunge there. €6.20 a month.

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Best money you’ll ever spend imo.

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Great timing will be some great RWC related content :clap:

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Yeah I have my eye on that Japan Chile match.


I’m too young to be a part of the original/official Second captains fan club but I’m enjoying Murphy’s book “this is the life”.

Worth a read imho.

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Very twee

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Fuck that’s some story. Was he actually on the starting team with one hand?

There’s a decent hurler from St Anne’s in Wexford with only one hand too. A dual star and plays soccer too.

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