September 11 memories

Was it Jim Corr?[quote=“TwoRunnyEggs, post: 621635”]
There’s a few good documentaries on the last week or so about 11/9 but I saw one where a guy was claiming the USA had done it to themselves. Deliberately flew the planes into the towers so they could justify going to war in the middle east. St John of gods for him anyway.

It’s not that strange a concept if you think about it, 2700 lives is a small price to pay in some peoples eyes.

It was a good argument in fairness. They were looking at the planes closely and said they weren’t American Airlines planes that hit the buildings. Jim Corr would be in the gang no doubt.

What about the United flight that they took down? Would that not contradict the theory?

Sept 11 was a tragic day all right, the day Pinochet took power from Ailende in Chile. Poor auld Bernard o’Higgins was turning in his grave I reckon.

Nah, ice on the runway was what did it.

I watched a DVD of United 93 last week. My favourite bit was when Steve Bruce scored the header against Sheffield Wednesday six minutes into injury time and Brian Kidd ran onto the pitch like a lunatic. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more exciting or emotional ending to a film.

I was on a training course in work when I got a text to say it had happened. Left the course for a while and went down to the reception area to watch it and then the second plane hit. Back upstairs and told everyone on the course so they cancelled it and we all went downstairs. Ended up going to Judge Roy Beans to watch events on a bigger screen and got my usual bus home at 6 o’clock or so. Bus was mad that evening, all the people who sit beside eachother and don’t normally talk were all of a sudden really engaging on everything and there were all sorts of debates and “did you see that bit” etc. Weird sort of atmosphere. One lad had his earphones in, took them out after a while and was listening in. He hadn’t known anything had happened (can’t remember what he said he was doing all day) and couldn’t believe he had missed out on this. Not that he missed out because I think it made the evening news also.
Remember Celtic were due to play Rosenberg the next day. I think the CL matches scheduled for 11th went ahead but those for the 12th were cancelled. Was pissed off with that because it was a big moment for Celtic in recent times but the day off on the Friday compensated.

You’re a fucking terrorist.

I’m not in the US Army mate.

They’d shoot you on sight for being a terrorist pal. The US Army is the protector of freedom.

Sick shit.

As I said, I’d finished a summer job the Friday before and was basically having a week on the lash at home before going back to college the following week. I recall everyone being really pissed off in The Crown Bar on Thursday night because they were throwing us out as if it was Holy Thursday. We couldn’t even go across to The Stores for a late bar because it wasn’t opening late. All because of this day of mourning on the Friday.

I’m not a pal of the US Army either.

[quote=“Rocko, post: 621642”]
Bus was mad that evening, all the people who sit beside eachother and don’t normally talk were all of a sudden really engaging on everything and there were all sorts of debates and “did you see that bit” etc. [/quote]
Wouldn’t it be great if it was like that all the time?

:mellow: Jesus Christ man that’s horrible.

We went to bed fairly early that evening (Aus Time), imagine my surpirse on waking up to find what had happened. Being the news junkie I am, I was fucking disgusted I missed it all as it happened. Got into work, boss comes in “The 'oul warld’s gorn mad innit” (he was from sarf Landan, innit). " Can I go home so, cos no one will want to listen to sales calls today" " Fair enough’. So I went home and sat in front of the TV all day, thinking about what that mental cunt would do next.

He invaded Iraq.

I watched it all day dying for another attack of some sort materialize but sadly nothing happened. The towers coming down and the cunts jumping out the windows was epic viewing in fairness.

I was down the fields when it all kicked off, and was informed of it by Farmer senior, as he took over from me while I went for a bit to ate.

I can still recall his line ‘It’s all happening over in America. They are after flying planes into some buildings and it’s what they meant to do it’.

Is English not his first language?[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 621653”]
I was down the fields when it all kicked off, and was informed of it by Farmer senior, as he took over from me while I went for a bit to ate.

I can still recall his line ‘It’s all happening over in America. They are after flying planes into some buildings and it’s what they meant to do it’.

Get a life you stuck up cantankerous old prick.