September 11 memories


The edgier Fagan O’Dowd strikes again. Just like the planes against the towers.

I was on an audit in NYC in 2004 and ClarkeyCat was my valued assistant on the trip. I took him on the subway down to look at the twin towers but they weren’t there. “Where are they?”, we giggled before heading back up to midtown.

It was my first day in UCD, I had travelled to Dublin by bus to collect the keys for my Belgrove apartment. I was on the bus on the Stilorgan dual carriageway when I heard.

Some disgusting comments here so far.

i was working in the financial district in boston when 9/11 happened. I remember a colleague remarking that a plane had just crashed into one of the twin towers. to be honest, i did not know what the twin towers were and took no notice. it soon became apparant that a terrible tragedy was unfolding.

I was working for fleet financial at the time and we were based in one of the highest skyscrapers in boston. we were quickly evacuated. My brother was working for the same company at the time. He had received a call from our mom, telling us to get out of the building.

Everything shut down straight away and we strolled away home. I had been down in manhattan at a lenders meeting a week before.

Boston was never the same for me after that. security, understandably increased significantly. we were often evacuated in the weeks subsequent when suspected anthrax was found in the toilet. You could see people look at colleagues of a middle east origin differently. I really felt sorry for this ethnic group.

Soon after i decided to come home, i think the events of 9/11 was the catalyst for this (plus i was missing the national hunt).

Have ye lads never heard of Operation Northwoods? http://en.wikipedia…tion_Northwoods

The summary:

Operation Northwoods was a series of false-flag[/url] proposals that originated within the [url=“”]United States government[/url] in 1962. The proposals called for the [url=“”]Central Intelligence Agency[/url] (CIA), or other operatives, to commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities and elsewhere. These acts of terrorism were to be blamed on [url=“”]Cuba[/url] in order to create public support for a war against that nation, which had recently become communist under [url=“”]Fidel Castro[/url].[sup][url=“”][2][/sup] One part of Operation Northwoods was to “develop a Communist Cuban terror campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in Washington.”#

Operation Northwoods proposals included hijackings[/url] and [url=“”]bombings followed by the introduction of phony evidence that would implicate the Cuban government.

It stated:

“The desired resultant from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere.”

This is the official document itself -…_northwoods.pdf

I don’t think that’s what happened on 9/11 but there are some cunts who would certainly be capable of it.

On the day itself I remember hearing something about it at lunchtime in school, I remember hearing that the Palestinians had crashed or blown up a plane or something. Didn’t realise what had actually happened until I saw it on the news when I got home from school. Pretty surreal. Was hard to believe it was real life. I especially remember the shots of people falling from the building. Horrific stuff.

I was at home, a few weeks before I started college. Watched CNN almost non-stop for the rest of the week. It really was incredible.

Are you serious? Do you actually enjoy talking to random idiots on public transport? I couldn’t imagine anything worse.

How did MBB manage to hack into your account?

His password is mickeyquinn


Some seriously twisted individuals alright.

i was in TY in school day before Junior Cert Results… teacher came in after lunch and told us so we took out the tv for the rest of the afternoon as you do in ty

I was ‘working’ in an open plan office in a laughing-stock of an IT firm in Sandyford, lazily scrolling through in between cups of tea. One of the lads said a gobshite had crashed his light aircraft into the World Trade Centre, we laughed at the idiocy of the kunt. I’m not sure if it was that day or some other day around then when one of the lads sent a ‘network broadcast’ declaring that “Henry is a chair sniffer”, it appeared instantly as a dialogue box on every PC in the company including management. Think the kunt got away with it, gas man, he was from Abbeyfeale. Henry was a lad from Douglas in Cork, a good egg but a chair sniffer. He often liked to sing the first verse of Deutchland Uber Alles in the office, he liked the tune only I think, at least he didn’t display any overt affection for national socialism.

[quote=“myboyblue, post: 621662”]

His password is mickeyquinn
[/quote]Bullshit. It’s Oliverhoneyman.

There is a Question Time special on 9/11 at the moment. Some bloke in the audience asked a question which I often wondered ‘did the USA ever ask why Al Qaeda did what they did?’

The response from Liam Fox, Defense Secretary, was along the lines of ‘what kind of people fly aeroplanes into a populated building? I don’t care what their grievance was’.


What a crock of shit. Did Britain ever ask Germany why they invaded Poland?[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 621668”]
There is a Question Time special on 9/11 at the moment. Some bloke in the audience asked a question which I often wondered ‘did the USA ever ask why Al Qaeda did what they did?’

The response from Liam Fox, Defense Secretary, was along the lines of ‘what kind of people fly aeroplanes into a populated building? I don’t care what their grievance was’.


Good debate this.

Tariq Ali cleaning house.

Chap here making a good point that America said the terrorists wouldn’t win because they wouldn’t change their way of life - they did so therefore the terrorists won.


That was my favourite memory.

I haven’t a clue what your point is or how that is relevant but what I will say is that Germany were a sovereign nation so it was pretty clear what was going on.

Had the Brits not wondered what the grievances of the IRA were (eventually), we would not have peace today.

Is this the fourth or the fifth war the Brits have been involved in in Afghanistan? I think it’s the fourth.

How have they changed their way of life. Extra security in the airport and that’s about it. [quote=“sid waddell, post: 621671”]
Chap here making a good point that America said the terrorists wouldn’t win because they wouldn’t change their way of life - they did so therefore the terrorists won.