Sevco v Celtic ☘

Oh Turnbull

That’s that. Space out wide and 3-1.


Fuck off.

Kennedy has to go lads.

Get him tae fuck.

Look at that cunt Kenny strolling out to block the cross.


Kennedy hasn’t even got the new manager bounce that commonly occurs.

Bain spends 30 seconds pondering a kick out and puts it straight over the touchline with no Celtic player in sight. Pathetic.

Bain is so good at keeping the ball in a dangerous area when he makes a routine save.

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Jesus another sitter missed


Ally mccoist is as neutral as Edwin Poots oul fella. Smug voice on the cunt.

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Was he ever any different?

Edwin Poots’ father would denounce both clubs for playing on a Sunday

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My God that’s appalling. Awful from Soro and Welsh.

Fucking pathetic

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That’s a disgusting performance.

Bain, Kenny, Brown, McGregor were shameful.

Nobody else played to any sort of acceptable level. Christie was muck. Soro was worrying - every bit as bad as Brown in his short spell.

I’m leaning towards maybe not offering Kennedy the job just yet.

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Not one player worth keeping

We really are a rabble. Disorganised, uninterested, lacking ability and belief, weak mentality…fuck me. I still maintain that a good manager could rally things and inspire positive change quite quickly. But the squad needs to be completely replenished in a matter of weeks. We have to get a move on, or at least be working on signings that have been approved by the new manager ahead of his formal announcement. Like most derby games this season, the huns played the percentages, maintained their shape, individuals did their jobs without fuss and they have a good keeper. It’s just doing the basics. I remember how the whole backdrop changed when Rodgers was appointed. Players that were rumoured to be agitating to leave signed new contracts. Hopefully Howe can persuade Ajer and Edouard to stay. Pretty much everyone else can go.


Abysmal stuff. Played them 5 times this season and never tried anything different or posed them any difficult questions. What a fall after 4 trebles in a row.

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As you have optimistically said there’s a hopefully straightforward path to a significant improvement. You can see at international level that organisation and a basic level of competitiveness when defending can make a team difficult to beat. We should be capable of being much better defensively without huge investment, if only because the bar is so low.

a decent keeper will make a huge difference

Look at Rovers before Mannus

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