Shit that makes you feel old

Be interesting to compare the English and Irish education systems against each other if anything.

The majority of the best engineers I have worked with were former tradesmen and they hit the ground running

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When will the place in Barna be finished?

@Lazarus will take him under his wing.

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It was supposed to be finished in September originally, so the roof hasn’t gone on yet :roll_eyes:


I know. I’ve a couple of motorbike locks he can leave in place, and it won’t get robbed at home, but I well hear you.
Just showed him the code of conduct
“Jaysus dad, it’s like north Korea”


I’m sure he’ll fall in with a nice group like the lad in Derry Girls.


One for Limerick people of a particular vintage




I was never allowed go to the Mungret one.

Went to Adare a couple of times. Didn’t get in one once cause they saw us bush drinking further up the green.

I always welcomed seeing the sign for an Energizer Disco coming up. Great days.

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Love the typo - a 12 hour Energizer :rofl:

Where were you when the music stopped?

Helped a fella push his car this evening. :hot_face::hot_face: won’t be doing that again.


One of the all time shittiest and drudgerous tasks. A hiding to nothing nearly always too…

Had to get the fucking thing over a speed bump as well. :weary:


I changed a flat tyre for an elderly lady yesterday. I was bollixed after it

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I presume you changed the entire wheel? Did you not have a Jack or a wheel brace?

I did. I just hadn’t done it in ages