Shit that makes you feel old

Thankfully I’ve only been a witness to the carnage :face_with_peeking_eye::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Mrs. Locke and I watched ‘The Client’ last evening for our Netfix and chill* night. Susan Sarandon and Tommy Lee Jones put in a Tour de France in this enjoyable fillum. As was my want, I looked up to see how old Susan Sarandon was at that time as she was looking quite fresh. She was 48 years young!! Wow says I. I looked up TLJ too as a comparison, lowballing his age at that time to perhaps 53 even though he looks considerably older - the fucker was 48 too, only a couple of weeks older than Sarandon.
Nub of this story is, I’m forty fuckin eight! Christ I feel old :sob:

*Just Netflix


You couldn’t just watch the film and leave it alone. You had to go digging.


Susan Sarandon never cycled round kerry in spandex on a wet day though so we all have regrets.


Great post.

What was the fucker at did you find out?

A free house

Went down the local for a few quiet ones and there is a fuckin 18th on a Wednesday night, felt like Grandpa Sawyer sitting there with my Guinness.


Being hit by a series of blows over the summer. Watching your wife suffer in front of your eyes, and finding it harder and harder to regain equilibrium. All just circumstance. Life is tough sometimes. Final slap is The hopper probably leaving home on Tuesday to go to Yeats, and I’m absolutely going to be bereft. Herself is worse.


Now you’re talking
Or lovely teen daughters who morph into 40 something she- devils on occasion

What is Yeats?

College Galway to do leaving cert. He did well in his a levels but not well enough to get what he wanted. Wants to go to UCG or UCL anyhow, so he’s probably best off. We left it entirely up to him. Would have loved to have him around another year, but he’d have been off somewhere anyway I suppose. If he’d done really well, he was going to travel anyway.
Had the interview there yesterday, and they said he had a place. Asked when it started, thinking mid September “next Wednesday” :grimacing::slightly_frowning_face:


Be great for the lad to leave home and Galway will be a safe environment. One year to do the leaving would be a tough slog though.

Tell him not to pronounce it Yeets though.


Fobbing him off onto Uncle and Auntie Flatty for his first taste of freedom. Shrude out.

He has that already. It will be a slog, but if he likes it he can switch to the two year course if he’s struggling. He should have four subject covered pretty well already so we’ll see. Anyhow it’s a better experience than doing online tutorials in his bedroom.
I’ve just bought him an ebike cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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His Godfather said he could stay with him no bother, but whilst hopper would enjoy it tremendously, we’ll give him a stint at home first.
The bandb list provided by the college were looking for a grand a week :flushed::flushed::flushed:

Are you back on the home sod so?

Might be an idea to get an ordinary yoke for the first few months til he knows the lay of the land. E-bikes are much sought-after :eyes:

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You’d be better off buying


that’s basically the nightly price with no discount for being regular?

I know a sparkie up that way looking for a good apprentice. Just outside Gort (ish).

Will be plenty hurling chat.