Shit that makes you feel old

Hope ye had a great night

You threw the toys out of the pram sharpish when you met a fella who was better younger…

Id a few in laws played for Ringtown. Well one anyway. He was a wastrel.

I have literally no idea what you’re talking about

Ye were in B that year?

Im lying here on the sofa in grinch Jim jams that the kids got me watching a film and content as fuck


I don’t believe that for a second. Guys like us are like sharks mike. We have to keep moving or we’ll die.
(The bit about the grinch pyjamas was a masterstroke…had me going for a minute)

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One of my best buds hitting 50 today, had a great night in Dublin last night

He’s only a chap.


It’ll be a big year of it for us 74 babies.
I was youngest in my class in school so lots have passed the milestone already


Plenty of road ahead at 50 alright. One of my older pals was chatting over a pre-Christmas pint about his social life taking off again in his 50s after a lull when his children were small. That possibility hadn’t really registered with me but you kinda see it on TFK too with the likes of @TheUlteriorMotive heading off to Belfast for the weekend to see Picture This in concert, @Spidey informally stepping into Paulo Tullio’s shoes & so on.


Has @spidey not got a few young pups? He seems an outlier.

I’d say the trick is to have the kids when you are young like @Bod95 and not to be staying up at night worrying about your teenage tearaways when you are in your 60s.


Probably no harm to teach them to find their own way home as well, and not be like those poor dotes going out and driving them here there and everywhere at weekends.

You’re right, of course. I always mix up @Spidey & @artfoley.


I’ll have a 7 and 13 year old when I hit 50 bro. Don’t let the fact we live in a 15***** min city disguise the fact I have erstwhile parental responsibilities


Hand over the coaching reins at under 14 to the “football men” and your nights and weekends stretch out before you like a golden hued road.


You’ve got them 8 years at that stage, the job is oxo. Get out before the 12 as Paul Rouse would say.

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Good luck with it bro. I always thought it might be the gout got you but never factored in your proximity to Browns Steakhouse.

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There’s a happy medium. You want to have a bit of craic in your 20s when its at its highest too. Kids at 30 done at 50 would be perfect. Im a little late on that but will still only be 55 when the youngest hits 20.