Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

Jesus that’s some stretch. Take off the jersey lad.


They might be, though.

Fucking nutcases that should be locked up for treatment

We are all mentally ill, pal… but you can’t go around saying one group are more mental than the other.

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I’m 100% mentally sound, and have zero issues. I might go mentally ill if I have to read about gender dysphoria again. That thread has almost driven me to despise people with it.

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You’re wrong there surprisingly. I’m pointing out the irony of a fella (you) who makes racist jokes deciding that you are better placed to judge what is racism or not.

Also, your paint joke was particularly shit, even for you.

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Listen, pal… we know very little about how the brain really works… no one can say they are 100% anything… Our sub-conscious is all kinds of fucked up… we are all a howling storm of chaos within and the fact you post here shows that you cannot be 100% mentally sound.

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That’s pretty much the response of most sane people, I think.

Actually we do. Read the book ‘thinking fast, thinking slow’. There’s been a heap of studies done which prove that pretty much everyone has been conditioned by society to be a bit racist.

I’m the coolest person I’ve ever met.

I’d even go so far as to say I’m over 100% mentally sound. Probably in and around 103% or 104% at a push.

You just don’t get it fella

You’ve been in a basement for at least 8 years. It’s quite possible you’re the only person you’ve ever met.


Well if you were to believe that, then that’d be true. But I met Caul Pollins this morning and I’m still the coolest person I know. I’m THAT cool.

Stfu you are trying to make a point about screaming Mary’s and the PC brigade when you did the same thing trying to shut down discussion.

You are the exact same as that PC brigade, getting all upset by a couple of words.

I’m glad you’re surprised I’m “wrong”.

Do you ever get tired of saying “that was shit, even for you”? It’s pretty much all you ever post.

Thankfully I don’t have to type that in relation to your posts because I find them all more or less equally shit and pointless.

You said “mentally ill” which was an immediate trigger for him you see. He has been conditioned so much to be “right on” that he won’t listen to dissenting opinion and will try and shut down a discussion.

He is the same as anyone shrieking over Gerry’s words today. Either you believe in free speech or not. CM only does when it suits him.

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I never once tried to stop debate… from what I remember I said the poster was in no place to judge people or call them mentally ill.

You’re the one telling him to “stfu” (shut the fuck up), mate.

Free speech defender, how are ya.

No. I don’t. I feel we should all try to keep standards up and you consistently post drivel.

I think most of my posts are actually about horrendously shit betting.

It’s rare enough I engage with you. The last time was when you had your anti-racist rant the day after posting a racist joke. I just thought it was a bit hypocritical. You clearly enjoy long debates over the Internet and I rarely have time for that.