Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

It should be edited out of every history book in the world as if it never existed… Then it will really go away.

More acceptable than a white Irish political leader anyway



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BTW. Is it OK for people to use the term on this site? In the proper context
E.g I need to go to bed im tired I have been working like a n***er on a tobacco farm all day

Personally I don’t think that’s OK. And not something I would even consider saying

Whats good for south park is good for Gerry and SF GOOD MAN @Nembo_Kid::joy:

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No it’s not keeping but that’s not what Gerry said is it? You said it’s not acceptable in any context but you’re ok with it in songs and movies. Do you deny its historical context as applied to Northern Catholics?

You’ve adopted an extremely aggressive tone in the defence of Gerry Adams right to use the term nigger.

I’m not sure what your getting at here really. Iv already said I’m not personally offended by it. But noted that it is not an acceptable term to use in any context now. Do you think it is a reasonable term to use? Would you use the word nigger in conversation with a work colleague or a stranger in the expectation that they wouldn’t mind and appreciate the context you were using it in?

If you think the answer to either of those is yes then fair enough. I’m not the thought police. I’m not judging you. I just made an observation, if we disagree then so be it

Perhaps this sort of thing is acceptable in Gerrys home in the United Kingdom?

However, it is not acceptable in this country.

I’m not being aggressive at all. I’m just trying to establish what you think is acceptable or not. I’m surprised he used the term for what it’s worth but it was a fairly common term to describe Catholics in the six counties and that context is appropriate.

One rule for Gerry and one for everyone else tats SF


The point here, @rocko, is whether it was wise.
Do you think it was a sensible term for a political leader to use in the climate we have allowed to develop, accepting that the climate is what it is?

Gerry Adams ordered the torture and murder of a widow who was also the mother of 10 children. The SFira fans have always defended Adams right to order that ladies murder and to leave 10 children orphaned.
So of course they are going to defend his right to throw the word nigger out.

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Snitches get stiches

It’s nothing really to do with what I think is acceptable though is it? Iv already said I don’t have an issue with it. It doesn’t offend me at all. But I would have a far higher threshold for insulting than the general population (as would all posters here I’d say)

But it was bound to offend many many more than thought it was ok. Which is back to my first point. Naieve at best.

Seriously lads. Gerry Adams has murdered people, it’s not significant that he throws out the nigger word.
A small bit of perspective.

Jarry and his cohort of sinn fein/ira “socialist” scumbags would fit right in in communist Russia or North Korea

If Adams dropped his pants and shat on the main street in Malahide the champagne socialist SFira fans on here would come up with some cock and bull story to argue he was entitled to shit where he wants.

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