Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

you couldnā€™t make it up

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Youā€™re doing it now

The use of the word is a non story. No one could accuse him of being a bigot or racist, any attempt to do so is braindead. But it further paints him as a bit of an odd ball really. Whether it was the intimidation from the brits or the crazy situation in belfast that he has lived with that bred this bizarre personality, heā€™s not fully there, not like a harmless uncle who says goofy or embarassing things, but as a bit of a quare hawk imo

The defence of him by the shinner bots on here is hilarious though.


His Twitter account is a creation of Shinner Bots to make him appear as whimsical, warm and cuddly. Thereā€™s quite a few simpletons under 30 who know him as that gas old lad with rubber ducks on Twitter and not as a murdering scumbag.

You can call SF a lot of things, but they understand the infantile millennial generation better than any other party.


commies are very well versed in media manipulation, Just look at Jarryā€™s Compatriot Kim Jong Un and his image in North Korea, carefully manipulated by his cronies


Iā€™ve never heard of Catholics in the 6 Counties being described as ā€˜ā€˜Niggersā€™ā€™.

At least N Korea won the world cup weā€™ve won fuck all

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After a quick search there it seems that none of the shinners here were calling for Kennyā€™s head when he made the same fuck up. Good to see no double standards. Just another example of what an abortion of a creation twitter is.

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Thanks for the link, but i repeat again iā€™d never heard the term being used with Catholics in the 6 Counties. Iā€™m not that old either but not a young buck either.

Ok, but you not hearing it before doesnā€™t make it untrue.

Would there be many black lads with fully paid up SFira membership?

Gerry is a gas cunt and is completely like his twitter persona in REAL LIFE.

It appears he has been forced to apologise for using racist language.

A former republican prisoner by the name of Tim Brannigan was on the news.

@Rocko wonā€™t allow us use the n@#@$r word so is he a black lad this Mr brannigan?


Now Gerry.

While Gerry is without doubt the greatest ever Irishman, time waits for no man. Now is the time to galvanize our party. Iā€™ve been in contact with Vol. O Laoighaire here in Cork South Central and I will be commencing party duty in the coming months.

Ni ceapaim