Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

Why now??
Any idea?

Same reason the blue shirts want Kenny gone, the fact another election could be called at any stage in the near future.

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Right. Politics for politicians and fuck the population.

Is he a tout?

Did he send it to her gmail account?

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Difficult to see him riding this one out.

If he believes Stack us lying then surely he’ll take a defamation case.

If he (Adams) were to win, and even if he didn’t, then it proves that he allowed three party members to runew in the c may general election despite being aware of the allegations against them in relation to the Stack murder.

Jarry the tout :joy: when he’s finished comparing torture notes with his socialist mates in Cuba, he has a uncomfortable flight home


Willimas the other morning asked Austin Stack if this proved Gerry Adams was commander in chief of the IRA and yer man said yes. The half eight news ran with this as it headline.

Gerry is damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t. This surfaced last February so I don’t know why Stack jnr didn’t question it back then?

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Jarry should stay in utopia now, live the dream as a real socialist. Give this tout stuff a miss, nobody could touch him there. Avail of the Cuban health service when his prostate come at him agin. Saving him and his party a fortune in US health care bills/flights/accomodation.
The rastoolers would absolutely lap it up having him over there representing them as he lives the socialist dream

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Gerry will be offered the role as leader of Cuba when he is there. He would be perfect for the job.

He has the beard already sure.

Gerry can ride out anything he likes. The dude has far higher popularity than anyone else in his party and is the boss. What he says goes and fuck whoever doesn’t like it.

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that stack guy contributes €10 a month to the RNLI

just saying



great to see Adams let bygone be bygones and show his empathy,leadership and humanity.

Us foot soldiers still hate the RNLI though


Adams landed his peado brother a nice handy job in youth services and brought him on the canvass with him while he also gave up the fight and went working for the Queen. they forgave him each time.

The rastoolers will forgive him for standing in with the RNLI

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Superb intelligence gathering by Vol Adams.

It takes true leadership to bridge the divide in this way. To think that the British Royal Navy terrorised our people for so long and Adams has the balls to sit down with them now is remarkable.

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