Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

I think they hope that some people will believe the Sinn Fein leader.

Wouldn’t you trust somebody that drives you to a graveyard near the Dublin mountains, puts you in the back of a van that is boarded up so that you cannot see where he is bringing you :joy:

That’s was the finest moment of Eamon Dunphy’s entire life.


That’s what the Blueshirts did.

The blueshirts and SF are both linked to fascism . Vote Fianna FĂĄil .

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Funny how his name keeps coming up poor gerry

FF are fascists.

SF = Sean Russell

FG = Eoin O Duffy

FF = De Valera.

The gun used to kill Mr Stack was imported into the country by Charlie Haughey in the 70s, blood clearly on FF’s hands here.


SF equal war

What war is that, joe?

The one only ye care about

What war is that, joe? Out with it.

FF AND FG turned their guns on each other.

The Provos have always been at war with the Brits.


At war with Brits but ye have killed Irish people murdering fucks

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FF murdered Irish people, Joe.

You are a hypocrite.

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Why would that weasel Austin stack have given names to Michael Martin and tweeted about it but then claim not to have given them to Adams who he was asking to investigate the names? Seems like he is acting the cunt, like father like son.


A 100 years ago. Are you saying ye never killed


Sinn Fein have been involved in the peace process for over 20 years…What’s the difference? Hypocrite