Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

Great people SF


Great to see the IRA / Sinn Fein implosion :joy:

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FF were gun running for the IRA in the 70s Joe. Are you happy with that?

the Fianna Fail heroes from the War of Independence never lied about what they did, unlike those scumbags in Sinn Fein/ira Jarry “i was never in the ra” Adam is a liar and also an informer

FF armed the Provos.

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A wonderful statement by the Sinn Fein Uachtaran.

What Austin is saying simply doesn’t Stack up.

Predictably, FFG have adopted the tactics of a certain Mr. Trump - to them, facts are irrelevant, “facts” are only for making up.

You know, it’s amazing but there are people that post on this site that believe him :joy:

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I don’t know about that, the 6 County brigade of SFIRA are currently on the payroll of Her Majesty.

These same people who believe Adams acted correctly and decently in relation to his paedophile brother when he set him up in a handy juvenile services job will be tucking their own kids into bed very shortly.
You can’t allow for the SFIRA mentality, it’s mad stuff.


Jarry’s fairy tales, we should make a list of his best Hits

The ira “whats that, I don’t even know what it means”
My Brother was a kidde fiddler “who”
My Father was a sex offender " Doubt it"
Jean McConville “never heard of her”


The dail is great craic in fairness. Similar enought to TFK in many ways.

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He was on about some war today in the Dail. What the fuck is he on about at all at all. Were SFIRA over in the gulf?

Pity we don’t get the bones of 90k a year though

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did he mention the time he sold out the loughgall fellas when he wasn’t in the ira :joy:

The likes of @briantinnion and @theulteriormotive wouldn’t even get out of bed for 90k.

Sidney wouldn’t get out of bed.


Gerry Adams devours M&Ms, and today he devoured another M&M in the form of the leader of Fianna Fail.

Some M&Ms contain nuts, but every last one of Fianna Fail is nuts.

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Oooft :joy:

A bad night for them, RTÉ news reports that one of them was murdered in Cork this evening.

great news, Jarry is having a bad few weeks