Should Gerry Adams stay on as Leader of Sinn Fein?

I remember Don King on it one night with a shelleligh pipe, it was surreal. He kept calling him Kelly as if it was his first name. The don was box office

When Tyson was arrested for rape he was asked if he was guilty

“The man is innocent because he says he is innocent. America is a beautiful country”.

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Does he have a separate conviction for allowing a paedophile to roam the streets?


Think you should be asking the RUC.

Maybe Drew should field that one.

Gerry Adams admitted to knowingly letting a paedophile rapist roam the streets for 9 years. Why are you talking about the RUC? Do two paedophile apologists make a right?

Because the RUC are the ones tasked with keeping paedophiles off the street.

Why did the RUC not take her claims seriously?

We’re not talking about the RUC. Why did Gerry Adams not go to the police for 9 years?

If someone admitted to you that they had raped a child would you stay silent about it?


They did but it was politically Uber sensitive at the time, and remember we’re talking crown forces Tom foolery here, they let Adams hanging for ages ref all this

Why aren’t we talking about the RUC?

They were the police force tasked with keeping paedophiles off the street and failed to investigate claims of child abuse to effect. Yet you don’t want to look at that. Utterly bizarre.

I reckon because members of her own family didn’t fully believe it for ages, if it happened to my brother I’d also not believe until I was 200 PC sure, then I’d hang the bastard

It seems you don’t think its wrong letting a paedophile roam free for 9 years so I’ll leave it at that

I do.

It’s odd that you think the brother of the perpetrator has authority to stop a paedophile from roaming the street while the police force don’t.

That’s a very weird rationale but then again you’re inbred.

Thanks for admitting that its wrong that Gerry Adams let a paedophile loose for 9 year after knowing for a fact that he was a paedophile rapist

He has the authority to report it to the police when he first finds out, rather than waiting 9 years. The police clearly dealt with it very poorly, I haven’t said any different

I’m an inbred because I expect people to report paedophile rapists to the police as soon as they find it out rather than waiting 9 years

It was reported to the police, they did nothing.

But you think the brother of a paedophile is responsible for a paedophile roaming the streets because he didn’t report it, even though the victim had her mother did report it.

You don’t think the police have any responsibility to allowing a paedophile to roam the street when they did not takes reports and claims of sexual assault of a minor seriously?

That just shows the type of warped mindset you have.

Not by Gerry Adams, the more people who report things to the police the more seriously its taken, especially someone with the profile of Gerry Adams. Instead he begged his niece not to let it reach the media and waited 9 years to go to the police about it

As above.

Where did I say that? You’re making things up again


Police should be taking reports of child abuse by victims seriously.

You’re expecting them to take reports of wrongdoings from a third party based on hearsay more importantly than first hand accounts from the victim. How bizarre is that?

Well you don’t want to talk about the people who had actual authority, who had all information they needed to bring Liam Adams in for questioning and to charge him? The people who actually let a paedophile roam the street for 9 years.

You’re being quite hysterical and theatrical here. Any chance you could try and make one iota or sense?

Agreed. So should individuals when they find out about it and not wait 9 years like Gerry Adams.

I agree with you that the police handled it badly, stop deflecting.

You are scrambling to make excuses and deflect for a man allowing a paedophile rapist to go free for 9 years without telling the police. Do you admit that your hero is an utter scumbag for this?

Yes and they didn’t so I don’t know what your problem with Gerry Adams is when it’s clear as day it’s the RUC who had the authority to act but did not.

Would you be dobbing a family member into the police for being a paedo on the basis of hearsay?

I don’t have to scramble for anything, I will stick to the facts and let your hysterics and theatrics show you up.