Sidebar: Private versus Public Healthcare

Cuba is a horrible place to live. Anyone that says otherwise hasnā€™t been there. People lauding their healthcare but then ignoring every other terrible thing about the place are delusional. Thatā€™s why so many of them risk life and limb trying to escape on rubber dinghies. I suppose itā€™s easy to have good healthcare when the drs and nurses are basically slaves.

People who believe CCP propaganda.

I havenā€™t seen much evidence of that.

I have seen lots and lots who believe American propaganda, specifically Trumps

In Ireland?

On here.

Cuba is a wonderful society.

How the fuck would you know?

Have you been there?

Itā€™s a God awful place to live. Food shortages (although no one goes hungry if you eat your mandated parcel) , police state, canā€™t leave the place willingly, infrastructure literally falling apart.

Wonderful people, a God awful place to live. Although thereā€™s very little crime, Iā€™ll give them that.

Well itā€™s interesting for all the comment of how much better their system is that we have a longer estimated life expectancy.

Are FFG fans proud of the Irish health system?

The poverty level in Cuba, as reported by the government :joy:, is one of the lowest in the developing world and in Latin America. The average take home pay is $20 a month, a doctor earns $50 a month. When everyone is equally poor there is no poverty.

A better example is Venezuela, once the country with the highest standard of living in Latin America, and now the poorest country in Latin America. Average take home pay is $2 a month.

Socialism :clap: :clap:

Iā€™d love some of the ā€˜socialistsā€™ to visit there. Itā€™s an eye opener. Great people, culture, music, unreal rum but what they put up with is brutal.

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@Tim_Riggins is delighted that FG squander billions on a flawed dysfunctional health system.

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How many of the people here claiming Cuba is so terrible have lived there?

The answer is none. :smile:

ā€œde oirish state has invested heavily in health careā€ is what he says

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No mate. I am all ears on ideas that work, including from
Cuba. Iā€™m no absolutionist on this though. Our life expectancy is higher than there so we mustnā€™t be that far off their nirvana. If youā€™re asking me whether I think it is worth enslaving our doctors to work abroad to make some foreign currency Iā€™m not so sure. Maybe you are in favour of low wages.

ā€¦or you could just go to Miami. There are 2 million Cubans in the US, 11 million in Cuba. The reality is most of those who could leave have left.

Well the Cubans have not, they are low cost. So many we should subscribe to their model and pay doctors and nurses less than $100 a month, that seems to be the issue that you lads have now with our system. It isnā€™t funding, itā€™s that our Healthcare Heroes are ā€œoverpaidā€.


The result of the ā€œsocialistā€ healthcare systems in Italy and Spain that @labane1917 was so deriding?

Life expectancies five years higher than the USA.

Castro got rid of the criminals into America.

Have none of you guys seen Scarface?