Sidebar: Private versus Public Healthcare

A message from DĆ³nal Clancy, Managing Director of laya healthcare

Today, Iā€™m writing to share details regarding our plans to redirect claim cost savings back to our almost 600,000 members and how we are significantly increasing the essential healthcare benefits and services our members can access remotely during this challenging time.

Redirecting claim cost savings as a benefit to our members

First things first, weā€™re putting money back in our membersā€™ pockets.

How much will I receive?

I pay for my own insurance:

  • You will receive ā‚¬195 for every adult member and ā‚¬60 for every child member.

Iā€™m a dependent on a health insurance policy:

  • Payments for dependents will go into the bank account of the main policy holder.

My employer pays for my health insurance:

  • If a memberā€™s employer pays for their health insurance, we will distribute a payment directly to the employee and a separate payment will be made to the employer. Companies have different arrangements with their employees ā€“ some pay for cover in full, others make a part-contribution, so exact details will be communicated to these members and their employers directly to reflect their individual circumstances. If hospitals return to normal before the end of June, weā€™ll need to revise the monthly instalment accordingly.