Sign in Kilkenny backers

In, forever!

That’s some auld GIF to be still plugging away all these years later.

Thread should be stickied at all times

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Very quiet around here

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No neutral worth his salt would back Kilkenny

Couldn’t bring myself to ever back them, the cunts.

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In now and 4eva😍

The “they dont play football” argument can hardly be leveled at us now anyway.


Not long to go now.

Good Chance of it being postponed. Limerick riddled with covid.


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His name is Brian…

I wonder if he still waves the flag when nobody is looking.


Here we go :sunglasses::sun_with_face:

Do you have the flag raised on hostile ground?

I have.

I put one in a neighbours garden yesterday. He didn’t rise to it yet other that texting me are Young Munsters playing.


Breakfast got and their off.

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Signing in again for my fathers home county. Best of luck to the Cats in the final.

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