Fairly progressive
I remember being disappointed when Trimble won the leadership contest for the UUP. He was the hardline candidate. Drumcree then confirmed my view that he was an inflamatory politician.
In reality Trimble turned out to be a most courageous politician who alienated many in his own community by compromising and sharing power with nationalists and republicans. He acted and risked much to take hard choices. He ended up being a bit of a fall guy.
Trimble spoke well about Irishness and changed my perspective on that. I disagreed with him still over some things but found him generally to be a force for good and a most interesting person. RIP
Warner was brilliant in Star Trek.
Gawd. The epitome of state violence. The respectable unionist with a sinister loyalist in his back pocket. As reluctant and bitter a peacemaker as ever walked. You must carry some bitterness in your heart never to as much as nod to your taig neighbour in all the decades you resided aside. Even when your wife attended wakes and funerals. Who knows what MI5 subterfuge brought him to heel.
But he too played his part.
Incredibly death levels the playing field. All great lads when in the coffin.
This is one of my memories of him.
While no doubt an actor of cuntish proportions in his time, through whatever promptings or reasoning, he came to the table and did his bit to bring whatever peace there is about. He had that in his locker before death. Paisley too for that matter. Their deeds wont be forgotten, but they did turn, whatever little bit, and they did their piece for the peace.
TC from magnum PI has passed on
Peter Byrne RIP
An iconic moment.
Was he high up in the FAI as well?
Elizabeth has broken the last of Hyacinth’s china.
Tom Weiskopf.
Earnie Shavers
He had a left hook like a mules kick. God be good to him.
He was a fan - of Charlton and McCarthy in particular - with a typewriter.
That’s the talking stock of the year so far. Apparently they’re closing tonnes of stores around the country. The same thing happened in the last crash where top guys in firms just couldn’t cope any longer with what was going on in the economy.
Terrible to see a lad flush his life down the toilet like that