Significant people's (not celebrities) deaths

Kenneth Starr. A cunt.

Jean-Luc Goddard

Ramsey Lewis

Some rubby commentator , Ed Butler.

Uncle of NBA player, Jimmy Butler

As Welsh men go, Eddie always was a bit of a black sheep.

What u mean? Unattractive!

Just seen John Carpenter share this info, Stoker paved the way for black actors in leading roles he was brilliant in Assault.

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Ronnie Radford


Brings meaning to ‘can he do it on a wet winter’s night in Newcastle’…
A thunderbolt. Featured in a famous video of the era aptly named 101 great goals.

That was an 80s staple. Mickey Walsh Blackpool who scored for Ireland v Russia was another cracker

The magic of the Cup.

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united destroyed the FA Cup

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Came out in 87. The last goal was Clive Allen in the cup final.


Mimi Parker of Low is probably not a celeb round here, but was in one of my favourite bands and played a wonderful show in Dublin earlier this year.


Lullaby by Low is an unreal tune. Haunting.


Gutted. One of my favourite bands as well. Saw them on the last tour a few years back in Vicar St (not this year), and it was unreal. Also saw them at EP and way back in Cypress Avenue, each time very different.
I hope Alan Sparhawk continues to make music in some form. They were on some run of form with the last few albums.


Also see boy band, teen idol bloke Aaron Carter died a few days ago.

Kevin oneill of 2000ad fame. The man behind nemisis and also ABC warriors

The last line, What sort of Cunt would ask for a comment there. Shocking sad one all the same