Significant people's (not celebrities) deaths

Very sad, RIP.

Pavel Srnicek has passed away aged 47.

An illness I presume?

He had a heart attack just before Christmas.

John Bradbury, drummer for The Specials.

Sid will be along shortly with a ghost town pun

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If it’s a pun about The Specials you want, you’d better advised to send a message to former poster @Rudi looking for one than asking me.

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Guru josh :scream:

Serial child killer Robert Black died in jail today. One evil bastard, good riddance.

Natural causes or did he bleed out from a butter knife castration?

Or a poolstick?

There was an obituary in the Irish Times there on Saturday for Mick Lynch the Cork born singer in indie band Stump. I think they were most noted for their mid 80s LP A Fierce Pancake.

Cecil Parkinson. Tory Grandee. 84.

Black aka Colin Vearncombe

Abe Vigoda better known as Sal Tessio from The Godfather has passed away aged 94.

Tell Michael it was only business

Can you get me off the hook? For old times sake?

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Saddened by this. Really like Wonderful Life.


Dave Renwick, caddy to 3 (THREE) different major champions, at an awfully young 62.

Stomach cancer.