Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

Yeah, what this country needs right now is a private Nazi army.

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Viva Quinta Bridgade!

Would it be fair to say there’s not much going on between the ears of this SF buck in Tipp, Martin Browne? It’s no crime. These type of lads sneak under the radar from time to time. Sure, there was an Aylward lad in Kilkenny that could barely string a few words together.

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He was unemployed before he was elected

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Tipp should have the vote taken off them

Ah no Mattie more than makes up for any other of the people they send.

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Career criminal Lowry tops the poll down in Tipp.

No that’s FG

Amazing he didn’t last isn’t it clown :clown_face: Na gael

The Class of 2020 Provisional SF TD is something else :clap:


Is Martin Browne’s gut fake? Has to be

It’s not Hollow or a Gram anyway.

I didn’t want to harp on about this, but given Mary Lou McDonald’s hypocritical stance that her TD’s should not face questions into their recently revealed conduct/public utterances, it’s time for people to look behind the varnished veneer of SF towards the rest of their PP (1/n)

Going alphabetically.
Chris Andrews (TD - DBS) had been an FF Cllr on DCC, until he was exposed for running a highly misogynistic & defamatory Twitter account. He jumped from FF to SF as he was facing expulsion. Mary Lou has never asked him to explain his behaviour. (2/n)

John Brady (TD - Wicklow).
SF’s foreign affairs spokesman faces calls to explain sharing social media posts defending the Syrian dictator, Bashar al-Assad, in the wake of his use of chemical weapons, and even claiming it was a false flag attack. (3/n)

Martin Browne (TD - Tipp)
Browne got himself in hot water recently for comments on the PIRA campaign, saying SF should stop apologizing for the death and destruction caused. He is in further bother relating to a link he posted on Facebook to false 9/11 conspiracy theories. (4/n)

RĂ©ada Cronin (TD - Kildare N)
Cronin was embroiled in controversy earlier this year when antisemitic social media posts were brought to light where she actively promoted an odd conspiracy theory that Mossad had intervened in the UK general election against Jeremy Corbyn. (5/n)

David Cullinane (TD - Waterford)
On his re-election last February, Cullinane courted controversy when video of his victory speech apparently glorifying the PIRA campaign emerged. (6/n)

Pa Daly (TD - Kerry)
In June, Daly was found to have broken Covid19 restrictions, travelling 60km to attend a SF activist’s funeral. Although many would have sympathy for the reason, many more who could not see off loved ones remain annoyed Daly received no reprimand. (7/n)

Pearse Doherty (TD - Donegal)
Doherty appeared alongside Gerry Adams at the now infamous Storey funeral. Covid regs on both sides of the border prohibited his attendance. Yet he did, and even played a prominent role in the mock paramilitary style burial. Storey was cremated (8/n)

Thomas Gould (TD - Cork NC)

Another one of the Bobby Storey funeral attendees in breach of Covid regulations. Attempted to claim that all regs, including physical distancing were adhered to despite clear evidence to the contrary. (9/n)

Johnny Guirke (TD - Meath West)

Guirke was quick to defend his college Cullinane following the latter’s PIRA glorifying celebration in February. He’s not been as quick to speak about bullying/intimidation allegations within SF in his locality that saw a young woman resign (10/n)

RuairĂ­ Ó MurchĂș (TD - Louth)

Another of the posse who flaunted Covid-19 travel restrictions and hoped the border to attend the Bobby Storey funeral. (11/n)

Darren O’Rourke (TD - Meath E)

Appeared on local radio recently to defend the practice within SF of sending former IRA convicts to activists houses to tell them to delete social media posts critical of the party or certain individuals. (12/n)

Patricia Ryan (TD - Kildare S)

Ryan came to prominence as a new TD that went on holiday in the last week of the election campaign. It was, this week, discovered that she too had actively spread bizarre 9/11 conspiracy theories on her social media. (13/n).

Aengus Ó Snodaigh (TD - DSC)

The exact circumstances surrounding the infamous ‘Inkgate’ affair where the Deputy’s Oireachtas office supposedly used €50,000 in ink cartridges between 2007 & 2008 has never been fully explained sufficiently (IMO anyway). (14/n)

Brian Stanely (TD - Laois/Offaly)

The TD’s who’s comments kicked all this off recently. Not only did his comments about PIRA campaign get him in trouble but allegedly homophobic comments and conspiracy theory peddling have also come to light from his social media accounts (15/n)

Violet Anne Wynne (TD - Clare)

Wynne quickly found notoriety post her election following revelations that she had left a housing charity in the whole for €12k in rent arrears. The charity was forced to shut down. She was also discovered to have shared antivaxx sentiment. (16/n)

This is not an exhaustive list but a list including incidents that have been brushed aside by SF’s leadership. These aren’t historic either, most of these happened within the last year. SF isn’t alone in having less than perfect standards by any means, however, the

sudden portrayal of that party as representing some form of new standard in politics is patently false. Mary Lou’s insistence on her TD’s not facing questions for their bad behaviour, while demanding the opposite of all other shows SF leadership acting in bad faith. (18/n)

By all means, if SF’s supposed policies are in line with yours (despite them enacting many of the opposite policies in Govt in NI) then give them a vote. However, if you’ve voting SF because you think they’re progressive or woke, then review this thread and think again. (19/19)

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Chris Andrews getting caught in a Rathmines Internet cafe tweeting up a storm under a fake account is one of my fave modern Shinner story, an inspiration to Shinnerbots.


He’s been my local TD twice. In his previous guise, I’d get leaflets in the door boasting about the FF economic miracle. A few years later I’d get leaflets moaning about cruel FFG austerity.

Handy soccer player apparently

This lad goes ‘alphabetically’ from O Rourke to Ryan back to Ò Snodaigh. Amadàn.

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Its not the politicians that are stupid, its the electorate.


I didn’t realize Johnny Brady said it about the false flag operation in Syria. That’s another of a small list of their tds I now respect. Robert Fisk was on the ground there and said the chemical attack was pure bullshit too.

Can you post up a report on this?