Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

Another? That’s from 3 days ago?

You’ve tagged me by mistake there pal… I’m Apolitical.

Great to see you living through the tweets of some 20 somethings and their virtue signalling.

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Classic Spin Fein. You tag me and I respond. Then you go running home with your ball.

It’s funny to see you and @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy in a tail spin.

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Is that Brian Stanley’s brain they are examining this week.

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You’re obsessed with SF.

I take a firm line on fascism. Those who don’t learn from history etc

A firm line on the far right.

Irony never dies

Student politicians are very very weird

I’m very suspicious of people wasting student life on politics instead of drinking cans


Yea I dont know how lads go to college and the first thing in their heads to do is join YFG. They are even nerdier than the chess club or the lads that re-enact dungeons and dragons.


We could do with O’Duffy and his comrades around today. If only to put these Shinnerbots back in their box.

You mean the sort of cowards like these who went to Spain? Involved in a minor skirmish or two and ran away.

Most of the Brigade’s time at the front was spent manning the trenches at Ciempozuelos, where, according to one volunteer, ‘we never saw the Reds but were often under Red artillery fire’. Casualties due to artillery and mortar fire as well as disease and ill health mounted steadily.[ In its only offensive action, against the village of Titulcia in a rainstorm, six brigaders were killed and 15 wounded before they retired to their own trenches; the following day the brigade refused to continue the attack and was placed in defensive positions at [La Maranosa]
These were the only two incidents the brigade was involved in where fighting took place.

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Frank Ryan’s men fought on the other side is a great line

That’s true. And the International Brigade distinguished themselves unlike the yellow blueshirts.

Here’s the guts of your Fine Gael blueshirt

Many Irishmen heard the call of Franco
Joined Hitler and Mussolini too
Propaganda from the pulpit and newspapers
Helped O’Duffy to enlist his crew


Cowards they may have been but no more so than lads who plant bombs in rubbish bins or boats with children on them.

Enough about the British state
