Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

Dr Leo running rings around posh girl Mary Lou. You just don’t get that cunning and street fighter qualities growing up in leafy Rathgar and getting schooled privately in Notre Dame Des Missions. Some of the IRA/SF crew here were even alluding to this yesterday and suggesting a leadership change. They were suggesting Dessie Ellis as the heir apparent.


Mary Lou’s children were at one those Posh Italian ski trip schools as well. A few prominent Sinn Fein heads on here would want to open their eyes


Long war won though and as shinners well used to this next election should see this proposed monopoly of a government put to bed
PS I’m not a shinner, but voted first time for them this election as HONESTLY FG made a mess of the country and could see no alternative

Does anyone here really think that SF ever really wanted to be in government ??


Looks at the balls they have made of the north. People are relying on food banks for their next meal.

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Could you imagine the hysteria if a FG’er published the tweet below when we have a million people on social welfare


My twitter timeline is full of people saying they voted for Sinn Fein last time but will be voting for Fine Gael next time.

Why doesnt the Taoiseach know that minimum wage and unemployment in NI are decided by London? Is he really that dim or does he know and is lying? Just like with the GFA, he is willing to continuously play political games with the north for his own benefit. It’s, and he is, morally reprehensible ---- Dont blame it on the Tories he said at the end :laughing:

Who hands out the dinners to the kids we see eating meals on the streets in Ireland? It aint FG anyway


That’s the thing they didn’t. Reports have it they kept shooting him in his stomach and he wouldn’t die. The murdering bastards couldn’t even put down a horse properly. It’s no wonder they’ve failed to the free the north. They couldn’t manage a horse.

Ah pet you’ll just upset yourself now. Remember - you’re zen


The fact you felt the need to come back with a ‘witty’ little jibe shows I’ve somehow touched a nerve with a very mild question to another poster. And you must be confusing me with someone else with that last part?

He’s been having pops of copper pipe all week. He can’t hack lockdown. Sinn Fein lads never do well under pressure.

I’m happy that you can use TFK to vent. We’re here for you bro.

Mary Lou and Leo is the Punch & Judy show. They’re each delighted so I wouldn’t get too into it

You’re back being edgy now after a few weeks of being everyone’s friend? Or are your bi-polar meds playing up?


Ah, I see … I’m zen when I dont post… But ask a few simple questions and i’m venting and mentally unstable?

It’s like you shills only want it one way.

Nah - post away. I just wouldn’t be getting wound up about the exchange yesterday or picking it apart in detail. Both were playing to their base. Both bases were happy and roared in laughter at the other. It is what it is and we can both enjoy the continued irrelevance of M Martin and his band of roaster nobodies.

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I’m away to meditate now.


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Listening to it here.

Pat Kenny giving a real soft ball interview.

Well that’s not a surprise. I wonder will Leo make it over to RTE for Sean O’Rourkes farewell show. It would be bad form if he didn’t.

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