Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

Imagine Pat Kenny doin a softball interview for some blueshirt.


Fine Gael will be up in the polls again next month

FF & FG had a chance to call SFs bluff and blew it. Politics in Ireland is at an all time low

They put the countries interests first and tried to form a government. Sinn Fein spent seven hours trying and fucked off. A lot of people who voted for them for the first time last time out haven’t forgotten this and won’t forget either. They made absolutely no effort to form a government.

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Never happen

Both parties said they would not go in to government with SF

That made a lot think that If both FF & FG didn’t want them well they can’t be all that bad . SF could then produce a manifesto that could promise everything to all & soak “the rich “

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Any fella with a small bit of smarts would see past Sinn Féin’s pie in the sky policies.

Poor @Thomas_Brady is very rattled by all of this.

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Next election will determine if SF are actually going to become accepted, if the free state electorate let this MONOPOLY of a higgly piggly pretend coalition stay on then they will bloody well deserve the carbon tax hikes, shambolic HSE, minimum contracts, clueless housing strategy, unfinished road plans a children’s hospital that will eventually cost multiples of what it initially was planned for, corrupt Garda force , a navy no one wants to join, soldiers without rights and proper wages, ambulance service on its knees, one of the highest suicidal rates in the EU etc etc,
This proposed ramshackle of scoundrels will NEVER, ever put IRELAND first,
RTE etc backed FG at every chance,
This incoming shower are made up of posh boys/ builder’s buddies/ and a middle class party who will be left hike savage carbon taxes on local councils who will try and implement their loony ideas

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They turn informer and go running back to their M15 handlers.

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Few lads might have missed this Post earlier.

Yeah -The lads here endlessly posting about SF looking for bites have me rattled … Despite me calling out Mary Lou myself yesterday :roll_eyes:

To be fair you wanted her sent to Siberia over the last year

I’ve no problem calling out SF when they get it wrong… the shills/sheep and poor wums are too entrenched to do the same when it comes to FG/RIC.

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Claiming you’re not normally a Shinner but then calling Ireland the Free State is quite revealing.


Also lol

I have been criticising FG for the past few weeks on various (but not all) aspects of how they’re handling Covid.

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One of the few… While we’ll forever be enemies :grinning: I can respect any man that can stand up for his beliefs and swim against the current to do so.

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Not really my history is wide open here, this is the free state if you knew anything about Irish history, Dail Eireann hasn’t stood since the treaty vote,
It’s not Dail Eireann but Leinster house.
Our republic was never attained
26 country free state is not an Irish republic

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It’s unbelievable that Paddy still buys the SF want into govt line. SFs long term strategy is wholly based on FFG going in together so they can assume the mantle as one of the 2 blocks going forward.

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