Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

I miss


Sure the eviction ban had to end sometime, and aren’t they freeing up a house for someone else.

So to be clear, you’re against evictions full stop?


The case referenced above is tragic. It’s also a case where they had a mortgage on the house. They couldn’t meet the repayments. It takes a very long time in that situation to be evicted.

Everybody is against eviction into homelessness. It’s horrible.

However lads who say no evictions ever need to be honest what that means.

The flight of landlords out of the market is largely driven by the rent cap and eviction ban.

Imagine telling people that they can’t access their savings in an ATM - you’d cause a bank rush. It’s happened in rental properties now.

People who were against landlords are about to find out what happens when you don’t have as many landlords.


Do the promoters of Gardai fairness agree that the members who perjured themselves at the Paul Murphy trial should be punished?
I haven’t heard they have been yet. Thank God they had a tape disproving their fantasies or else Murphy could be in the clink now

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That’s a dumb reaponse. I’m in favour of extending the no fault eviction ban during the housing crisis.

That case was from 2015. There were significantly more properties available then.

To be clear though, you do actually favour a return to evictions generally then? You do know that evictions lead to this scenario all over the world- including in places like Finland?

I’ve absolutely no idea what you’re trying to say here.

What I’m saying is that the scenario you quoted above can happen when there isn’t a “housing crisis”.

Evictions are a fact of life, even in countries that are notionally performing well on housing. Finland has thousands per year.

You’ve said above that you do support evictions, therefore you support the scenario like the above.

Fionnan Sheehan is a desperate cunt


:joy::joy::joy::joy:. The meltdown was up there with Conor Lenihan’s

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And just like that Fionnan Sheahan turned the whole episode of O’Broin’s tweet into a victory for Sinn Fein.


sheehan is so angry :grinning:

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@Tim_Riggins , @TheUlteriorMotive and @Elvis_Brandenberg_Kr have been destroyed.

Great to have Hookie back

The man has been unhinged for at least ten years.

In the replies:

The smirk on spice bag’s face at the end of that clip was the one of a lad whod be waiting for fionan after the show in the car park with a cue ball in a sock

Spice Bag would have a job missing that forehead if he started swinging.