Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

Suing the media as a strategy is obviously authoritarian.

Some company the Sinn Fein leader is keeping here.

Michelle O’Neill getting in on the act too.

If the media is biased and continues to make make false claims against the opposition to help keep a ruling party in government, why not legally challenge it?

O Neill sued over a tweet, as opposed to a media article.

Hate SF all you want, they’re getting in eventually and are playing the long game. They’ll be voted in by the people, who’ve seen enough from FF/FG.

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Simple. If Sinn Fein don’t want the skeletons in their closet being reported on they shouldn’t have hoarded those skeletons or they should get people in who don’t have skeletons.

Until then, they shouldn’t complain when people correctly call them out over tactics which are straight out of the book of Arron Banks.

While i agree with your general point about SF suing willy nilly, this particular example is appalling. Blatant misogyny and she was right to go after him in court. I’m surprised at you, it’s almost like you’ve let your hatred of SF overide your morals.

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It was a crass, ignorant comment by a dinosaur. Those kind of comments are ten a penny everywhere and only say anything about those who utter them. Not worthy of a lawsuit.

This isnt someone shouting in a pub or asking whats for dinner. It’s an elected politician with a very clear agenda against her and happy to be a dangerous misogynist dinosaur for his purposes. He needed to be called out publicly.


And yet probably still at least 100 times less misogynistic than Trump.

I’d say there have probably been hundreds, maybe thousands of much more misogynistic comments here over the years than “back in your kennel”. To the best of my memory we’ve had people calling the complainant in a rape case a liar who should be publicly outed. The comment by yer man was so stupid and so absurd the only appropriate reaction is to laugh at the thick who said it. You’re only garnering unwarranted sympathy for him, making yourself look like an eejit, as well as further alerting people to your strategy of SLAPP lawsuits by suing.

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We’re like a bunch of shillelagh wavin’, white Mandelas coming to fix your country. Show us a gram of slack.

You’re comparing lads posting on tfk with an elected Councillor tweeting about how the elected leader of the north would be ‘put in her kennel’? Do you not see any difference in the importance, intent and reach of that tweet in comparison to a lad on here talking shite?

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Politics is a rough business, mate, always has been. If you can’t stand the heat in the dressing room, get out of the kitchen, as somebody once said.

Grand. So you dont think it was an issue. Informative.

I’d class a comment like that as a fairly trivial issue. It was made in public by an elected representative, which leaves the utterer open to public shaming, unlike the ocean of far worse anonymous comments and threats made online and more anonymous threats made offline, which are the real problem.

Plus you don’t expect much more from a pig than a grunt (sorry if you find that offensive to the DUP man).

How is that relevant?

Because nothing is relevnt unless compared/contrasted/linked to trump…


Trump is the yardstick by which we judge whether something is misogynistic or not now, apparently. A major coup for @artfoley and his TFK misogyny crew.

SF’s biggest issue is attracting candidates without skeletons in the closest or just a mainstream background that appeals to neutral voters.

Really? Shure Shane ross wrote an entire book on Mary Lou and the biggest thing he could find is that she bought a lovely house and he doesnt like it. The biggest skeleton in her closet is that she was in FF.


Could they lure Jonathan Dowdall back to be Mary Lou’s running mate in Dublin Central next time?

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Call a spade a spade, some of their elected TD’s in last election are poor.

TD for Tipperary couldn’t retain his council seat previously.

TD in Kildare went on holidays in anticipation of not winning.

I don’t think the public will do it again personally