Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

Well, he definitely wasn’t a republican. His father was. Most children of republicans around that area were heavily indoctrinated as kids. Pearse wasn’t one of these, or if he was, it bounced off him. There was a sudden transformation in his thinking after getting embarrassed for his lack of knowledge of Irish history upon witnessing some unsavory RUC tactics en route to a heavy metal gig in Derry. His life before that, without going into any saleable details, was not one befitting the second in command in Sinn Fein in the republic.

And also when he got taken out of the SF front line for a year or two Bout 5 years ago for some reason…
He had been a star performer and disappeared for a while.

Liam’s gone missing

I think that was down to marital/infidelity issues, that were going to come out in a media shitstorm…but I don’t think they did if I remember right.

Frustrated World Cup GIF

Did she miss page 1 of Shinner logic??!

So Sinn Féin are ok with giving up the 6 counties? When did this happen?

I’m sure she’ll be getting a stern talking to from an 028 number today.

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Gerry Adams gave a speech to the locals in Teach Ruairi, a fine pub in the Baltony area of Gortahork where he has a second home a few years after that and said, ‘We’ll have a united Ireland within 25yrs’. Now, his calculation may have been off, but Adams isn’t an idiot. He is privy to more than your average barstool republican. I suspect that he was told that it would be handed back, but the timeline has been somewhat slightly inaccurate.

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If he was told “it would be handed back” and believed it, that would make him an idiot alright.

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The brits would hand it back in a half-breath if the tories could get away with it politically. There’s also the real fear of a violent paramilitary backlash from loyalist groups, which have devolved into blatant drug dealing gangs now. The north is costing them money, that could fix a lot of problems that need money to fix, and Labour could very well use this in the near future as a vehicle to power, if they had any brains. We’re giving Northern Ireland back to the Irish, and we’re going to use the money to fix the NHS, the education system, the rail network and to create jobs. A no-brainer.

There is 0% chance of this happening.

A girl can dream.

British agent Gerry Adams telling lies, the man who sold out Loughall, who would have thought it?


Another staunch Republican gone to the old brigade in the sky today.

Leo McGirl of Ratoath/Finglas and Leitrim.

Go ndéanfaidh Dia trócaire ar a anam dhílis.

:coffin: :ireland:

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What’s your issue here? 25% isn’t a fare share?