Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism


It was half that but Brendan didn’t let that get in the way of his story

The Shinners are against the basketball team playing in Israel.

I doubt the Irish women’s basketball team not playing Israel would make even the slightest difference to anything other than the women’s basketball team.

Surely a few bigger hills Sinn Fein could die on. Are they going over to shake hands with Sleepy Joe next month? Might be a slightly more symbolic statement to tell him to fuck off if they really care

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It’s hardly like there were never machine guns in gear bags on GAA pitches.

People might listen to Michael Dara more carefully in the future

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McAuley has this in hand I believe.

Moreover, do you reckon they’d want Ireland to boycott the FIFA World Cup if Israel were in Ireland’s group?

We’ve been bycotting major football tournaments for years mate


This could tear the forum apart

They aren’t in Europe anyway sure. Fuck them and the Ozzie’s out while we are at it

Ban Israel surely, but not before you ban Ireland.
Ye must have standards like

Brexit ‘n’ all.


And she spot on about the Palestinian authoritys corruption too.

I think it was commented on ages ago by TFK’s astute political observers such as @Ambrose_McNulty & @Biff_Egan that Michelle O’Neill comes across as a likeable character. Appears affable & genuine & usually gets the message & tone right. She’s streets ahead of MLMcD.


I miss @Ambrose_McNulty but its wonderful to see him getting on so well. Fly sweet bird, fly.

They’ve gone full close borders right wing :grinning:

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They want the border with 6 to be reinstated to stop people fleeing torture

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They’re back to abusing her after going for the exploitation line for years.