Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

Leo has two cards now. Go in to government and bury Fianna Fáil or pull the plug, subsequent election let SF bury themselves by going in to government .

Pearse is some operator. Has all the simpletons flushed out …

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Really, cos that’s not what he said on Pat Kenny

Which was he on first ???

Kenny. I think

Who is that wan?

She looks like a ferocious cunt.

It’s gas to see how rattled the establishment shills are.

Outraged at the prospect that SF may get into power and camouflaging it with worries that they might destroy the country - while presumably wanting the two establishment parties who have destroyed the country umpteen times over to retain power.

You couldn’t make it up.

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Do you really think SF want to be in power in the free state ???


That’s pretty simple.

Maria Cahill would not cooperate with the RUC so then went to the IRA looking for something to be done.

FFG have some neck to be taking to moral stance on child abuse when it was utterly rampant across society and state institutions during their periods in power. The highest offices in the Gardai, courts and government simply had to be aware of this but decided to turn a blind eye and enable and protect child abusers.

Michael Noonan should be jailed for his role in the foster home scandal.

A prominent FF figure in Donegal interfered in a criminal investigation to stop a child abuser or murderer being charged.



An awful slap down.

Mary Lou McDonald said she does not know if the man accused of sexually abusing Mairia Cahill was a Sinn Fein member as the party’s “record keeping was not as it is now 20 years ago”.

In a bizarre response to RUC intelligence claims that Martin Morris was suspended from Sinn Féin because he was suspected of abusing children, Ms McDonald said she could not discuss the claims because she was not a “spook” or a “spy”.

However, Ms McDonald said there was “no cover up in Sinn Fein” in relation to allegations that Ms Cahill was sexually abused by Mr Morris in the late nineties.


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Michael Noonan, Grace.

Inquiry ongoing.

Do we need a State inquiry to find out if someone was a member of a political party? Is this like the 70 odd Shinners “in the toilet” during the Robert McCartney assault, nobody remembers if this person signed up to SF?

It’s utterly flabbergasting how the Maria Cahill case got wall to wall media coverage when a government minister lobbied for a girl with special needs to remain in the care of foster parents suspected of abusing her got minimum coverage.

Absolutely unbelievable in fact.


Two wrongs don’t make a right

Both parties have blood on their hands in these cases

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There’s only one of them on the front of the papers though. It would nearly make you think the political establishment and MSM dont really care about child abuse at all.


There’s a big difference between a paramilitary organisation investigating claims of sexual abuse by one of their members when the victim refused to cooperate with the police authorities. The guy was found guilty and the IRA offered to execute him.

The other case is a government minister lobbying for a child with special needs to remain in the care of a foster family who were believed to have been abusing her.

They are night and day. A FG minister was openly lobbying for suspected child abusers to get access to vulnerable children.