Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

I said I abhor all kinds of child abuse mate. Unlike you

That is patently not true.

Can you show us posts where you have came down strong on FF for their record on Child Abuse.

The only time I’ve seen you come out strong is with vitriolic statements about Gerry Adams on very flimsy grounds.

Fulvio is a lot like the Twitterati deflecting away from it. A quick search on Twitter is instructive on it. It’s very cult like.

You’re the one deflecting Dimmy.

Why not discuss Grace? It’s one of the biggest scandals to ever happen in this state.

You’ve defended Gerry Adams allowing a molester to roam free. I don’t think I’ve ever defended anyone for doing that

How many “FFG” politicians would get away with this?

No comment from Fulvio on it.

I merely commented that you were looking at wrong person if you were apportioning blame. Gerry Adams has no authority to do anything, the authorities who did have the power were fully aware of the allegations and chose to do nothing.

Now, further to your lies and theatrics. Can you show me a few posts where you went for FF on child abuse?

Everyone of them who allowed child abuse happen under their control.

Michael Noonan actively abusing his position of power to lobby for suspected abusers have access to vulnerable kids is an absolutely outrageous crime far, far, far more grave than the allegations put forward there.

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Jarry has personal agency and desperately tried to stop the story hitting the press so he wouldn’t look bad.

He shouldn’t have been so worried though, the cult would forgive him anything.

She explained that in 2007 he heard that a local newspaper was planning to cover it.

“He frantically phoned me about 20 times,” said Aine.

“He wanted to obtain a court injunction with my help to stop the story. He said he needed to make sure it didn’t get into the press to protect me. Looking back, he was buttering me up. It was all about PR and his own image.”

After Aine revealed her abuse in UTV’s 2009 Insight Programme, Gerry Adams again told her not to speak to the media.

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You’re still not touching the Noonan case with a barge pole.

I guess it’s pretty hard trump a government minister lobbying for abusers to get access to vulnerable kids, isn’t it Tim?

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What’s your comment on Gerry Adams trying to cover up his own brothers abuse? His own niece says it.

When are you going to start posting on the Michael Noonan and Grace thread?

I think it’s far, far, far less serious than a government minister looking for suspected abusers to get access to vulnerable children.

Why don’t you answer the question? The Grace Inquiry is ongoing.

Do you still support Gerry Adams despite:

It was during a long walk in the rain in Dundalk in 2000 that Gerry Adams said his brother Liam confessed to him that he had abused his daughter Aine.

Any citizen, let alone a public figure, would be morally expected to give that crucial information to police immediately. It was nine years before Gerry Adams did so.


She explained that in 2007 he heard that a local newspaper was planning to cover it.

“He frantically phoned me about 20 times,” said Aine.

“He wanted to obtain a court injunction with my help to stop the story. He said he needed to make sure it didn’t get into the press to protect me. Looking back, he was buttering me up. It was all about PR and his own image.”

After Aine revealed her abuse in UTV’s 2009 Insight Programme, Gerry Adams again told her not to speak to the media.

You back that person, yes or no?

I think you should answer questions first, @Tim_Riggins

What do you think of a government minister lobbying for suspected abusers to gain access to vulnerable children?

I’m waiting for the inquiry to be completed, it is ongoing. I’ll comment once completed.

When will you answer on Gerry Adams? He admitted to not disclosing it to the police in 2000 and waiting nearly a decade. That’s a simple moral question, do you support that man?

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13 years of abuse of a vulnerable girl, @Tim_Riggins

All because a government minister used his position of power to intervene on behalf of suspected abusers.

Why don’t you have the gumption to comment now?

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Because there is an inquiry ongoing. When the inquiry is completed, you can tag me on the relevant thread.

Why won’t you comment on the on topic conversation?

That’s no reason not to comment, it is clear as day what happened.

Noonan intervened for a foster family to have access to a vulnerable girl when it was believed by the HSE the girls was being abused. It’s there on record, evidenced by letters from Noonan’s office as seen by the media.

Are you not ashamed to back a party which allowed this to happen?

Don’t forget that at the time that enda was hugging mairia outside the dail that the Magdalene women were locked outside.

Anyone who thinks cahill got traction for any reason but political expediency needs their head examined


I think the point scoring here around sexual abuse in all forms is pretty low. It’s clear as day that whether it be child sex or rape or harassment , society at large has a problem and no one political party has a monopoly on it. It’s all of our problem.