Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

One of the biggest scandals of the last 30 years.

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Iā€™ve seen this a few times and thatā€™s heā€™s been getting it since the age of 50 and will be until he dies. Is this definitely true?? Iā€™m not one of these who thinks politicians are overpaid as they are the one job where you can lose it at the drop of a hat for poor performance and thereā€™s a lot of pressure and responsibility but that Yates figure seems outrageous altogether especially given the shite he goes on about others public sector wages etc.

Do any of ye think both are totally wrong? What Adams did and what noonan did? An awful lot of what sf did and covered up for in general and an awful lot of what ff and fg did and covered up for in general?


Sorry Tim, hereā€™s the answer in the article here:

The Farrelly commission was set up in May 2017 and it was estimated that its work would be completed within a year. The commission was scheduled to deliver its final report this month, but that will now not happen.

The investigation has been dogged by complaints from the families of the alleged victims who have hit out at the ā€œoverly adversarialā€ and ā€œhostileā€ atmosphere at the inquiry.

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  • Ms Farrelly is said to have raised issues about experiencing difficulty in taking testimony from those affected as many are non-verbal.*

Dissident republican shot dead in Belfast

Not dissident, just drug dealer. His Da was in the CIRA at one stage but left and later shot dead.

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Hard to believe of all parties that SF are lacking discipline

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Its disgusting

Why not just let the people in charge of investigating crimes i.e. the gardai at it, followed by the HSA etc.

An inquiry is a nonsense

Didnā€™t they pull a lad out of a dole queue to run in chipp?

Why canā€™t they?

A chauvinist racist welcomed back with open arms to Sinn Fein.

Pretty shocking.

For me this is the most unforgivable part of Gerry Adamsā€™s history. He put his brother working with kids again after the allegations. Just shocking.

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Just watching the Sinn Fein tds on the nine o clock news outside the dail. Like a gang of lads youā€™d see in the bookies watching a Celtic game at half eleven on a Sunday.

not that id stick up for SFIRA but

there was no issue in the papers about the 100s at the Gardais funeral or the funeral of that poor boy

Just like the papers had loads of issues with Paddy Holahan being nominated as the mayor but none with Clifford lee going to the Seanad


I think SF got this wrong but youā€™re correct with the hypocrisy also ā€” itā€™s all one way trafficā€¦ SF also cant keep crowds from lining the streets ā€¦ but the large gathering in church and at burial site were wrong.

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Itā€™s an own goal for SF but as usual they are held to higher standards than others.