Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

And they weren’t 2m apart either

The mass breakout from the Maze in 1983 was the biggest IRA acheivement.

Proper two fingers to Thatcher given what happened in the very same prison only a couple of years before.

I dont speak for Mr. Storey or any other political party so you’re asking the wrong person here … I was asked specifically about blood - I answered. You’re trying to siphon the conversation down another hole to score a neat little point and close the book on Mr. Storey’s life on that. Life is much more complicated and grey than that.

You should have said that the first time rather than trying to deflect

Are you a FF man?

I’m not a politics man really, I enjoy elections and that’s about it

You seem to be agin the shiners? Is it a family thing?

I’m not against the Shinners. I voted them number 2 in the last election. I just think they make a lot of excuses for terrible acts and some of their supporters are cult like and very stupid

Ah sure he’s a FF supporter, he even condones all the child abusers they facilitated and covered up over the last century.

Yes. The Adam’s family. Paedophile and paedophile enabler.

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I never condoned anything. That was you who condones not telling anyone when you know of sexual abuse

At least they haven’t whitewashed their history like FF and FG. They don’t have to make excuses do they. They don’t get the same scrutiny do they?

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It’s odd how the only record you have of being against child abuse on here is when it’s not FF involved.

The fact that you claimed you didn’t even know about a FF minister close to your doorstep was covering up a family relative says it all, while at the same time putting out a hysterical show of outrage on Gerry Adams.

For a FF supporter to be taking the moral high ground on child abuse is really something special.

For things that happened 100 years ago? No they don’t get the same scrutiny in 2020 about it. I’ve never heard people who rob banks or smuggle fuel and worse described as good republicans or whatever other term in FG or FF after the fact.

FF get loads of scrutiny about the economic collapse, as is right. Anytime Micheal Martin makes a statement in a debate, the response is to go back to when FF were last in power

They robbed the people. Nobody went to jail. None of the bankers went to jail, despite all the evidence. The quango lives on and we’ve FF in power again.

FF obviously have better excuse writers

And it still lives with them today, is brought up any time an election comes around, and is the reason they will never be the force they once were again

But the current Sinn Fein were bourne out of oppression in the six counties. Of course things will be a bit different for them.

They’ve a man in as taoiseach. You’re fucking kidding me here?

I don’t really get your point. I don’t really mind them honouring people in the old IRA, don’t really agree with it but I obviously get the reasons behind it. People robbing banks in 2004 and illegally smuggling fuel to this day shouldn’t be getting honoured by proper political parties