Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

A taoiseach who was taking bungs from a property developer and then had a dose of amnesia on a tribunal into political corruption.

You couldn’t make it up.

And Sinn Fein got more votes than them

Albert Reynolds?

Yet no other party would speak with Sinn Fein. Funny that isn’t it

That’s their right as political parties, I don’t see what that has to do with the issue at hand

Not true. They had talks with socdems PBP greens and labour I think.

The issue at hand is your hypocrisy.

Asking for a donation which was found to not be corrupt in the Mahon Tribunal is not the same as illegal fuel smuggling and robbing a bank

It is a delicate balancing act though. Some people need to be kept ‘sweet’ by leading republicans, at least in public. It’s not ideal but that’s the peace process.

I do agree though that Sinn Fein are around long enough now, and have made enough shapes about being a proper political party, to leave all that behind.

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They aren’t allowed to. They’ll never be allowed to move on. It’s the only thing that can be used to keep them down

I think his point is that it’s their own choice when to move on. They could distance themselves from figures like yer man that died, but they don’t yet.

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The issue at hand is you seem to be doing gymnastics to excuse FF and condemning SF while claiming not to be political out of the side of your mouth

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Soliciting a bribe from a property developer.


All up to their necks in corruption.

The modus operandi of FF has always been to act as a proxy for wealthy business people to come in and fillet state owned resources for a song and there are utterly countless examples of the underhand and shady dealings FF have been involved in and the abuse. The mess in the housing sector and the health system is a product of decades of FF corruption, the problems with the beef industry - another product of decades of FF corruption, the banking crisis, another problem of decades of FF corruption.

They are gangsters and criminals and you support them.

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They won’t move on until they are all gone glas. These people were involved in what they see as a legitimate fight for independence. They wont let them be buried inside in a paupers grave

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That’s their call then. They can choose to break with the past when they want. I’d be happy to see SF in government and I’d be happy to vote for them, but I’d much rather they didn’t go around honouring old Ra heads left right and centre. And until they cut it out they are open to accusations from their opponents.

I’m sure that its more the case that they realise they have to bring these people along still.

For instance if they turned on Slab re the smuggling, then the entirety of South Armagh would be up in arms - literally.

I’m not excusing FF at all. I’ve already said above that they get criticised for their role in the economic collapse at every angle, and rightly so and they will never be what they once were. Maybe this is wrong, but I and I think most people tend to find violent crime more abhorrent than white collar crime or corruption. Someone orchestrating a bank robbery, illegally fuel smuggling and the violence that comes with that will always be worse in my mind than even something as bad as taking a bribe.

Illegal fuel smuggling worse than taking a bribe?

Not for me.

“And the violence that comes with that”

Where do you stand on facilitating the physical and sexual abuse of vulnerable children? FFG guilty of turning a blind eye and covering it up since the foundation of the state.

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