Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

You haven’t outlined anything other than superficial reasons and then claimed you weren’t being superficial.

And now you’re claiming I’m being silly and theres no point discussing it. Which is your modus operandi to be fair

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Mary Lou made no mistake. She knew it was better to show up, and that was more important than bad press. The bad press would come anyway

You claimed I have a problem with people attending funerals. That’s silly. If that’s the level of your response then grand, I’m not bothered to engage with that. Good luck and thanks.

But you have a problem with people attending this funeral.

for fuck sake Glas.

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I don’t have an issue with going to the funeral but the “good republican” shtick for a lad who planned a bank robbery by holding bank workers’ families at gunpoint well after the Good Friday agreement annoys me a bit

They still went to jail. It’s factually incorrect to say otherwise.


A FF man getting on his moral high ground about bank robbers???


Go on…

What? You quoted four posts in order to deliberately misinterpret a simple point?

that going to a funeral is bad optics? Which you later denied making?

How many people lost their homes, jobs and some who took their own lives because FF allowed a banking crisis happened, kept their buddies out of jail and then forced the burden of the debt onto the citizens of the state?

You seem incredibly soft on white collar crime which has more far reaching consequences to a far wider variety of people so spare us the sanctimony when you vote FF.

I think violent crime is worse than white collar crime, yes. Holding a family at gunpoint while their husband or father is taken to assist in robbing a bank is worse than white collar crime in my opinion


Ok, you want to continue to deliberately miss the point then. work away.

No evidence that Storey was involved in that.

White collar crime has much more victims and is perpetrated by people with power and ethical responsibility so spare us the sanctimony.

And politicians who are potential leaders of the country shouldn’t be lining up to pay homage to someone engaged in such criminality.

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His family will be able to sue a lot of papers and media outlets then


Michael Martin was a part of the cabinet that covered up Anglo and refused to close the bank. He’s now the Taoiseach

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