Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

If you actually read some of the allegations is goes like:

  • IRA are the only organisation able to carry out such a raid
  • It must have been the Belfast command
  • Storey was a big figure in the Belfast command so he must have been involved, and ‘masterminded’ it

Personally I’d take it with a pinch of salt.

And he also took bungs from property developers. @the_man_himself is very soft on corruption and misappropriation of funds from elected representatives.

He was Minister for Foreign Affairs. I highly doubt he had any say in any of that

That isn’t the same thing and well you know it. Look, I’m rooting for SF, I gave them a vote in the last election, I’d like to see the policies they propose pursued. I’ve made a fairly simple point, you can disagree with it if you like and debate it if you like, but purposely missing it or misunderstanding it is just silly and annoying.

His family should get serious damages awarded then

It’s not sufficient to say ‘well no one is suing’ in order to prove someone’s guilt.

the vehicle you’re using to drive that point is around the optics of attending funerals, yes or no?

should the entire country get awarded serious damages for the bankers guarantee from FF?

Yes. I’m not an FF supporter. I voted them number 1 at the election as it was a local candidate, SF number 2, Labour number 3

But you constantly speak up against SF criminality while refusing to condemn FF as it was white collar crime.

Also, never, ever forget that FF were SF previously but cut their ties with the IRA, very callously and politically, basically birthing SF

I’m no expert on the North but could someone who is answer me this. Was the IRA not riddled with touts at the time and the movement running out of steam. Was public sentiment not decidedly turning against the IRA? The SDLP were the biggest nationalist party in the north at the time werent they and growing! Its fascinating how they have become an irrelevance.

I’ve condemned it loads of times in the past few days. I just find violent crime a lot more unforgivable.

There was an element of that undoubtedly but they could still pull off the likes of the Canary Wharf bombing around that time.

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No. That’s silly. It was a terrible decision and one which I fundamentally disagree with but it wasn’t criminal or ultra vires.

hold on now, that’s the third time you’ve called me silly. Don’t do that again.

So you’re saying bailing out banks that they knew were acting in a criminal manner wasn’t criminal?

I said your post was silly.

Yeah but as a political movement was it not time to shit or get off the pot for them?

so was yours? Did the government have a mandate to proceed with the bailout? Is that not ultra vires?

Would you ever stop taking this place so seriously :laughing:


A few cowards could plant a bomb in a busy city district. What an amazing achievement