Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

Because in the north it’s far from normal — and while the murder was in the south there’s all kinds of fucked up legacy issues up north. The situation and political parties up north are far from normal.

What has that to do with anything? - I’m my own man.

You’re learning the circle the wagons just like a Cork man

It’s Louth.

A normal political party would have no say over rogue elements looking to harm someone. Permission is irrelevant.

I think it’s a bit weird to defend a political party for their members needing permission to give information to the guards about a murder

Good for you.

Dont be such an idiot …

A dog with a mallet up his hole knows that the north is a fucked up basket case place and unfortunately certain things need to be treated differently — Michelle O’Neil her self and other senior SF people received death threats from terrorist organizations only a couple of months ago – and now you’re scalping a SF member for seeking clarity on what is a very political hot potato in some northern communities? Unfortunately men of violence are taking over many working class areas …your ignorance and blasé attitude to the north is frightening… You’d have us back in the 70s if you had your way -

Am I the only one who thinks Sinn Fein seemed to really want that Brady idiot to go down the guards murder?

A very unusual turn of events that so many key witnesses in Ireland and in America had republican links.

How is it a political hot potato? It was a murder after a robbing.

Why do you need permission from SF? SF were never even the IRA (who are gone apparently), so why the need? Should be easy to answer beyond waffle about waffle. You had both a member and a Councillor deferring.

I cant help you here if you cant see the obvious and join very large dots… In typical FFG fashion too may I add,…

Are the large dots that SF would instruct their members to not go to the guards with information about a murder if it looked bad for them/one of their members?

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FF/FG no difference , they’d have to ask mm/ Leo the Langer is is ok to change my drawers boss?

Yeah - despite admitting to the guards he had info - the party would tell him hold off because that wouldnt make them look bad at all.

SF down south, and SF up north are different parties in many ways - maybe Tim isnt aware that someone with republican links was involved in the murder — and that there’s serious tension in some nationalist communities at the minute …

Ya I can imagine a fella ringing up Leo and saying I’ve info on a murder, but I’m a member of FG. Can I speak to the Guards about it? :joy:


No you need to flesh this out.

SF were always had the ear of the Provisional IRA, that’s it.

The PIRA allegedly no longer exist, however it seems as though members and councillors in SF feel they need permission to talk to the police about crimes. There is no hierarchal decision making when it comes to reporting crime on the real world. But with SF, one member and a county councillor believed there was.

Nope, this doesn’t happen with normal political parties.

It happens in cults and secret organisations with hierarchal structures.

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That last paragraph doesn’t really put me at ease as regards my question

I’m sure Michelle O’Neill and other SF senior members who have received death threats from republican organizations are not at ease also but thankfully are getting on with their job and ensuring justice previals.

Fixed that for you mate.

You’re not far wrong pal … when the top brass are being threatened with car bombs the lowly lads must be seriously worried about acting