Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism


Will you give us an investigation?


Arra we tried.

They never really wanted one as FG would come of it terribly.

Kenny meekly went to heel like a scolded dog after Cameron told him the Brits would not release any files to do with the investigation

Yet the same political operators consistently baying for blood on Jean McConville, Paul Quinn, Mairia Cahill etc.

Political football for the FFG lowlifes.

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It was an exercise in ā€œbeing seen to be doing somethingā€

Wrong again

Ballymurphy. Inquest well reported on and several media features on it.

Majella Oā€™Hare

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Iā€™d say so --wasnt he a TD at the timeā€¦ FG know well there was state collusion involved there. Just like the Miami show band ā€¦

Do you have gov TDs applying consistent pressure on any of those cases? No.

Do you have Gov TDs baying for blood over Paul Quinn, Jean McConville and Mairia Cahill? Yes.

A short one day article forgotten about a day later is not sufficient coverage for a school girl shot in the back by a British soldier.

Sure FFGā€™s private army spent years blowing up railway tracks too.

To be completely honest Tim, Iā€™d have to say that in general terms there is a bit of truth to what Fulvio is saying.

Iā€™ve a strong interest in the troubles but Iā€™d never heard of the Ballymurphy Massacre until Channel 4 did a documentary on it a few years ago. I never learned of it in all my years reading and watching my own national media.

I thunk the obsession with Bloody Sunday in ireland is sometimes used to hide or mask a lack of coverage of other incidents.

There was also that FG politician who thought that that IRA had committed the Dublin and Monaghan bombings, @bandage will know her name. Youd have to say thatā€™s absolutely shocking ignorance from an elected representative.

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There has been inquests and inquiries.

There has been plenty of media attention.

You were WRONG.

Itā€™s quite telling that in a response to a young victim of the Troubles photo that you engage in whataboutery. Whatā€™s more is that in your pathetic efforts to do so, you show your complete ignorance of the cases. Going on about the ā€œFree Stateā€ and ā€œnationalistā€ victims, you werenā€™t even aware that the victims were a broad group including a tourist.

Because to you they are just a statistic. A means to an end.

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All of these events have been given significant coverage.

What we have here is Fulvio desperately deflecting. He doesnā€™t care about the victims, not one bit. A weird Italian who describes the country he lives in as the ā€œFree Stateā€ and saying how shit it is, but wonā€™t move away.

There has been minimal attention.

Inquest and inquiries, just like the one with Grace is it? State fudge jobs where the outcome is directed from those with vested interests.

What is telling is your one eyed commentary, itā€™s odd how a bombing in England concerns you more than British state involvement in a bombing on your city which was covered up by the political party you voted for.

As we saw in Clifden recently, the big dogs of the judiciary like to mix it in social settings with the FFG.

Lolz, now weā€™re onto Grace. Did you not create a specific thread about that as well in your whataboutery efforts?

There was no one eyed commentary.

I posted a Tweet from a father of a totally innocent victim of the Troubles. That man even forgave Martin McGuiness, who there will he a documentary aired on this Wednesday. This is part and parcel of Sinn FĆ©in and wasnā€™t even posted with a comment.

In response to seeing this, you brought up something else, engaging in textbook whataboutery. But you are so poorly educated and thick that in your efforts to brand things as ā€œnationalistā€ and ā€œFree Statersā€, you had no real idea of the actual victims of the Dublin Monaghan bombings. Hereā€™s a start on educating yourself, this is an actual victim, not a ā€œnationalistā€ or whatever other little statistical bucket you want to throw them in for your narrow ends;

If you are going to live in this country, then you might want to educate yourself on it. Maybe you could do a history course on it like other foreign nationals that come and live here. Most foreigners Iā€™ve met in Ireland call the place by its real name though and donā€™t bag it all the time. I can recommend a history course for you but sadly I canā€™t recommend much to you to help with the pit of misery you choose to live in.

Weā€™re just calling out your one eyed commentary, @Tim_Riggins.

No need to get so hostile about, just accept that youā€™re a complete and utter hypocrite who likes to use victims to score political points.

Better luck next time.

Ballymurphy has largely gone unnoticed for decades ā€¦ a bit of recent coverage after c4 doc but it in no way stacks up to the atrocities carried out. If that had happened in any other part of the world thereā€™d be serious outrage and pressure from media and public to have justice ā€¦ the Irish are meek sheep tho ā€¦ always have been.

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Wow. Stay classy


My mission is accomplished. Your one-eyed commentary and loyalty to a party that covered up the biggest terrorist atrocity is there for everyone to see.

So when they contrast that with your outrage at a bombing in England, they can see itā€™s disingenuous, all contrived and for optics.

Itā€™s gas the way Paddy treats his political allegiance as a football team. Youā€™d swear any of them gave a solid shite about any of ye.