Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

The nineties.

Oh right, so they might remember Loughinisland so?

Amongst the victims of the Dublin Monaghan bombings was an Italian citizen visiting his brothers restaurant and a French tourist, not you narrow view of ā€œnationalistsā€. You need to brush up on the topics that you engage in whataboutery about.

I honestly donā€™t understand why Loughlinisland isnā€™t talked about more. Iā€™d say if you were born in the late 90s or 00s thereā€™s a fare chance you never would have heard of it

Iā€™m just noting your one-eyed commentary.

It seems you have no problem with British state sponsored terrorism.

You donā€™t understand?

Iā€™ll give you a clue - who the victims were and who carried out the attacks.

The fact the free staters then go and appoint Drew Harris as the head honcho of their security forcesā€¦

Deary me.

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It is talked about regularly. A documentary was even made about it by one of the foremost US documentary makers.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy struggling again here.

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And yet no justiceā€¦

Sweep Sweep

Bloody Sunday is back in the 70s as well and its talked about loads. Loughlinisland just seems forgotten about

Nope. You have a thread for that though. I just find it interesting that you donā€™t even know about the details of the whataboutery you engage in

I thought we all had to move on Fulvio?

Iā€™m just noting you have no interest in the Dublin Monaghan bombings which is odd when youā€™re outraged at a bombing in England.

If gov and media down here had their way none of it would be talked about except the IRA atrocities.

Youā€™re the one bringing up the past, so either you want to move on or you will have to address British State terrorism on this island and the ambivalence of FFG to it.

Yet Ballymurphy is never talked about
Majella Oā€™Hare is never talked about
The Dublin Monaghan Bombings brushed under a rug
And so on and so forth


I am plenty interested in it. I seem to actually know who the victims were unlike yourself who sees them as a statistic and narrowly as ā€œnationalistsā€.

Why do you live in the ā€œFree Stateā€ if itā€™s so bad?

I seem to recall David Cameron batting away a piecemeal Enda Kenny attempt to open some sort of investigation into the Dublin Monaghan bombings

Thereā€™s an amount of collusion between the tans and loyalists that they wont leave see the light of day for a long time. The Dub/Mon bombings included in thatā€¦ thatā€™s why FG covered it up back in the day also ā€¦ surprised Enda suggested that?

So you vote for a party that covered it up?


Enda ā€œa man in the pub with a pint in his hand told me an investigation into the dublin monaghan bombings wouldnt be a good ideaā€
