Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

He has a saoradh connection ( known as a muppet though) a public house republican( bro has a furniture shop in Blackpool; different kettle of fish altogether though) day after that thug got jailed his son and another were on a zoom call with the killer ffs

So nobody is RA anymore?

Not that I know of anyway ā€¦ if youā€™ve information to the contrary iā€™d advise you bring it to the authorities.

If you were in the RA once could you still call yourself ā€˜RAā€™?

Itā€™s just like the mulliance, itā€™s a withered husk of the powerful organisation it once was. Itā€™s members have aged and moved on and embraced peace


@The_Dunph hasnā€™t forgotten what the Mulliance did to him.

He was the martyr needed to bring about peace. We stand on the shoulders of giants like him. He died so the rest of us could e-live in peace


Probably my favourite poster on here down the years.

He was warned

He let us down badly the turncoat

That stink will haunt any family he ever has.

Actually nevermind



Is this your way of telling us SF are bringing in the death penalty

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The revolution is coming :fist:

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What is the point of that angle they take? Surely there are zero people who listen to politicians or watch political ads who donā€™t know that sf are in a completely unique type of government in the North. Forced into a coalition with an uber conservative party who they despise and who despise them and with their pursestrings held by their other sworn enemies in London.
Itā€™s alright for the odd throw away remark in a slanging match but having it as the main topic to attack them on is ridiculous surely?


Previous attacks on SF were focused on the IRA and failed miserably, particularly with young people who donā€™t really care about events a generation ago or find sticking it to the Brits and/or the ā€˜Manā€™ cool or edgy - the Irish Simpsons fans memeing demographic.

A better line of attack is highlighting that when placed in a position of power in the North, itā€™s not 100k free gaffs for everyone and abolish all the taxes, its making decisions with finite budgets and logistical constraints, much like Southern governments who have to abide by budget constraints, EU rules, lobbying by unions and other interest groups.

Itā€™s a completely different situation though. All theyā€™re promising in the south is something slightly more left wing than what we have. It might not work but thereā€™s nothing completely outlandish in it same as thereā€™s nothing outlandish in ff or fg policie. The North thing is a complete red herring for the reasons in my first post surely they have to do what dup and tories want .

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What they promise in the south in undeliverable fantasy such as abolishing USC in 2011, building twice as many houses as any other manifesto thinks is possible and spending the Apple money.

Iā€™d imagine the message this ad is trying to portray is that SF in government down south would be constrained by their coalition partners, the civil service, the EU etc and would be signing off on unpopular measures


Do you or fg honestly believe that if sf had gone in with ff as coalition partners for eg that they would have set the pandemic payment at the equivalent of 100 sterling or not introduced a rent freeze? Ye do in yere bollix therefore the ad and the argument is a load of shite.
Arguing they wonā€™t be able to fulfil their promises is completely fair enough but doing it in the way fg did there is a load of disingenuous spin and would actually put off any neutral with half a brain.

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