Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

There does to be a bit of a common theme though about SF in gov in NI whereby if they do something shit or unpalatable it’s “because our hands are tied” while if there is some achievement it “shows what we could get changed down South”

But sure look it - plenty lap it up without question so why wouldn’t they chance their arm

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The Irish political “establishment”are too stupid to see how to deal with SF . By ostracising them they are handing them huge support .

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Thats fair enough to criticise them on and obviously they all spin.
I can’t believe the other thing is fgs main point of attack when it’s such shite though.
It’s basically US style fake news

The ad does mentions the PUP payment which is naturally lower in NI due to their regular dole payment being lower. It also mentions other budgetary measures that SF explicitly oppose in the south while voting for (no indication of being strongarmed by the DUP or Tories) in the North. So the ad correctly highlights hypocrisy.

Anyway, the key point is SF in government down south wouldn’t be much different from FF and all these arguments are theatre

I don’t know - it’s a decent enough video, certainly compared to some of the shite FG have tried before. It certainly takes a forceful angle but SF have taken the political lead in political grandstanding and online stunts so it’s a bit rich if they don’t like others playing the game back.

Lets be honest irish simpsons fans stopped being edge 2 years ago due to the permanent offended taking over, the majority fall under the follow the goverment guidelines or die while screaming far left blm slogans. Its a great place to see how far people swing on the pendulum with popular opinion. The ra memes were great before

Surely by that logic FG should be happy to go into coalition with SF? Seen as they are currently in coalition with FF.

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It suits both FG and SF to attack each other non stop. Good and evil depending on your viewpoint. Either way it builds the one or the other narrative for the public. Pick your side and fuck all other parties.

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The American way.

It currently suits FF and SF not to be in coalition. FF feel it would legitimise SF, who have begun to eat their lunch, while SF are best placed hurling on the ditch until they’ve grown enough to lead a coalition. FG would probably also prefer to be in opposition due to public fatigue and the belief that a few years hurling from the ditch would see them lead the next government. A FG SF coalition would go down badly with the base of both parties but may be the best option to avert a US style culture war

Some crock of shit — these people are supposed to be running the country and instead play musical chairs at the expense of the ordinary person … but, the public buy into it so fair play to the politicians you’d have to say.

Thats a fair bag of shite. All it does is call them hypocrites for the way they are governing in an entirely different jurisdiction which is part of a larger government. I’m not sure you could buy into the whole thing of what they do in the north should be the same as what they do in the south. Plus, they are on the opposition now, do FG expect them to come out and be all happy clappy and agree to all their proposals and works? It’s up to a good opposition to keep a government active and in check, if thats Sinn feins role now, then so be it. I dont agree with a lot of their stuff, but that video from FG is cringeworthy. Albeit I take tallbacks point that if it is good enough for Sinn Fein to spout populist shite on social media, then if they get some back in spades, so be it.


What kind of stuff is this? I haven’t come across any of it, but then I would try not to come across any social media from a political party in any circumstances.

Any examples of online stunts and political grandstanding from SF?


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The graveside oration for a man being cremated 20 miles away.

I don’t think the dead man was going to hear it either way.

Here’s two with very little effort. That’s political grandstanding whatever way you look at it - reducing complex issues to slogan politics and pushing it out hard on social media. As I said - fair deuce to them, there’s plenty who suck it up and take it as gospel.

You can’t complain though then when others play the same game …

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You’ve put up two videos on policy.

Is that the best you could come up with

I think there’s a lot of truth in this post and as has been pointed out elsewhere, both SF and FG are happy to turn politics into a Punch and Judy show between the pair of them - excluding all the others.