Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

He has to go lads.

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London’s Derry ?

His position is not tenable.

is it fiveable?

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Does anyone on tfk think the two incidents referenced by Brian Stanley are completely different and that it was a disgrace to compare them?
That seems to be the main complaint in the real world and there seems to have been no debate about it.


No difference for me, Clive.

Either both of them or none of them are red cards.


He has to go lads. I believe there’s a serious strain put on his and Charlie’s friendship over this.

That’s all the debate has been about from what I can see. The CC reply to Arlene makes it clear the 26 county state sees Narrow Water as terrorism and doesn’t even mention the 1920 attack in the letter. Also Joe Duffy yesterday was all about the nastiness of the Provo’s

What do you expect for the Blueshirts.The Sinn Fein lads need to cop on a bit and stop giving ammo to these west brit cunts.

Brian will be grand, if this is the end of politics for him, I’m sure he can always find work again.

I take grave offence to people calling brit parachute regiment members “innocent victims” after all they got up to in Ireland. I think Fianna Fáil (The Republican Party) have more in common with the DUP than northern nationalists these days; they just use the latter as pawns in their jousts with Sinn Féin. Arlene Foster writing to O’Fearghail to express her outrage about this on the same day Sammy Wilson is standing in the House of Commons goading John Finucane about his father’s state sponsored death - it’s rank hypocrisy. And this Fianna Fáil creep allowing himself to be used by her, even though the Ceann Comhairle is meant to remain impartial. Has he had any criticism of other members lately for their conduct, e.g those caught leaking confidential state documents? The credible political response O’Fearghail’s called for would involve him issuing a grovelling apology to Brian Stanley. I stand with Stanley.


What was he trying to say here?

if youre not a person who gets up early then you cant have a pay rise

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Up Da Ra

For using txt spk at his age he’s got to go

He probably just can’t spell

I don’t understand why lads are getting in such a lather here, surely this is good for Provisional SF?

The whole goal for them is to tie their campaign in one neat thread back to 1916/WoI. All of the nasty sectarian and civilian murders were just an unfortunate byproduct is the narrative they want to spin and with the Civil War commemorations coming up they can point to those nasty incidences. In order for this to be successful, they need people to put their heads above water and say “controversial” things so it gets some attention.

It doesn’t matter what they do or say on social media now with the wokester young crew as they hate “FFG” more to care enough to cancel them.

Polls show SF voters are generally more anti vaccine and Pro Trump, they aren’t going to lose them over this.

They are also used to telling fake apologies to keep the Northern Republicans on side. They can keep their positions for now and in a couple of years we will get another half controversial statement.

If it wasn’t for him writing like a 12 year old, I’d say it was quite clever by Stanley.


Zero difference between both.

Spot on. These manufactured “controversies” aren’t necessarily bad for SF. For young people not even born during the height of the troubles, they rightly don’t see the difference between some occupying brit casualties in the 1920s or 1970s. To be honest, if I read a story about a brit crew going around Afghanistan or somewhere today murdering civilians with impunity and then getting blown to bits, I’d go…fuck them, they had that coming. I’m certainly not going to be expressing retrospective sympathy for parachute regime cunts in 1970s Ireland.

And as time continues to move on, less distinction will be made between events in the 1920s and 1970s. Young people aren’t completely ignorant of it, they acknowledge it, but they’re naturally more concerned about the opportunities for them in the country today.

It’s mainly auld people that are members of and/or vote for FFG that spend lots of time railing about these things. Also weird younger people from that gene pool that vote for the likes of Kneel Richmond or Jennifer Carroll McNeill to represent them. It’s a peculiarly FFG thing that they are outraged about Irish people giving it back to the oppressors. Of course, they also wanted to celebrate and honour these murdering british bastards earlier this year so there’s a level of complexity to Irish politics alright.


With the establishment of the Irish state, political dynasties were built. The children and grandchildren of those pen pushers who eventually formed the state were all privately educated for the most part. They built their little empires with the belief it was their Ireland and the actions of the past justified their cronyism and corrupt practices. They’ve built a myth around the past that it stands apart from the north because they might have had to intervene or worse still, recognise the lies their foundations are built upon. This runs right through FFG today… It’s utter hypocrisy.