Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

Also a complete hypocrite. She’s very Trumpian.

Someone raised an interesting point earlier…

Who had more ‘right’ to be fighting nationalists in the south in 1920 or those in North in 1970s?
Obvious answer is the south as they had a democratic mandate. A minority of nationalists voted SF in the 70s.
In terms of day to day life though the 70s nationalists had it far tougher imo and far more reason to fight. They were almost literally 2nd class citizens in a gerrymandered state. Denied jobs etc. An ordinary person in 1913 limerick for eg had very little difference in their life under British or Irish rule.


She was very articulate and measured. I can see why SF are threatened by her.

Eoin McNeil was McDowells grandfather. He was drivetime earlier and Sarah was having none of his northern bank and Bobby Storey sermons. She kept asking what had that to do with Brian Stanley tweet which is the subject. He was quite rattled to find an RTÉ host challenge him on these deflections. I’m sure she’ll be called aside by mgmt later for it

The IRA deliberate targeting of non military targets such as indiscriminately bombing pubs is a key difference.

I can’t imagine there is a sinner who voted for Jennifer in last election would vote S.F. in the future . The similar can with S.F. voters in last election.

Hopefully the contract won’t drag her down

I’m not talking about how the conflict was conducted. Although there were plenty civilians killed in 1920 era too. Major difference was 70s lasted nearly 20 times as long so obviously more time to get dirtier.
I was more talking about the ‘right’ to be fighting in the first place.

And the disappeared in the War of Independence and the ethnic cleansing in Dunmanway?

Everything is relative but I’m going to take a wild guess and suggest things were a bit worse in the 1920s for the common citizen and family…

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Oh god no

Playing both last cards at this stage, pathetic

Nasty business. Twitter is a cesspit

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One in five tweets on his timeline being either racist or homophobic is a lie. That’s even before we get into ‘any criticism of me is from shinners’. It’s a warped mindset that dismisses criticism as fringe lunatics.

I’d imagine given the comments on here about Leo it’s not that far fetched. SF has a history of racist comments about Leo and other. It’s led to resignations of its own elected politicians.

He takes an awful amount of abuse, homophobic or otherwise. People have no decorum. Saying that, that’s how it’s gone nowadays and once you’re in the public eye you have to expect that too.

I took a look at a few of the comments section on local Laois outlets social networking sights after both the Flanagan and Stanley thing. People are very very rude, a real lack of class and upbringing. Social media gives a voice to those who shouldn’t really have one.

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Leo is a fucking scumbag. Not because he’s of Indian heritage or gay. Because he’s a sneaky, leaky, entitled cunt. Who else would demand a personal servant as a precondition for government while the country is in the midst of the greatest crisis of the last 50 years? Greedy fucking sociopath.


I found myself nodding in agreement reading that post.

That’s a lot of hate you’re spewing there. Leo stands up to the shinner bots and it drives them demented. I know you’re not one of those but a heavy touch of playing to the gallery with this take.

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