Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

A quick scan of his twitter and it’s easy determine its complete bullshit. One in about 50 posts attack his heritage or sexuality but he is cynically using this as ammunition. He’s a narcissistic entitled wanker whether he’s black, blue or gay don’t matter a thing to most

Sorry @Enrique but my Leo hatred is longstanding and well documented on here. He’s representative of a lot that is wrong with this country. ‘Sure people should just borrow money from their parents for a deposit…’


Jennifer Carroll McNeill rightly pointed out that we have been well served as a country by moderate politics and the recent move towards partisan extremism and personality based attacks has the potential to lead us down a road to a dangerous place as we have seen elsewhere in Europe with the rise of populist extremist movements.

So we’re arguing about the percentage of SF voters who are racist homophobes?

SF have a come from a sectarian anti British culture. It’s understandable they are a home to many racist bigots.

No he said 10% of his criticism is homophobic and a further 10% racist. All of it from SF supporters. I believe he is exaggerating, ie lying again. The make up of their support is what it is, doesn’t concern me.
This cunt playing the homophobia, racist and Shinner card in one fell swoop does

I agree. The extremists of SFG are trying to divide the country. If only more people could see that Alan Kelly is the best TD in the Dàil at present.

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Social media is a corrosive influence on society. It has impacted other countries political systems and we’d be naïve to think we are different. Populism is a dangerous route to be on.

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Absolutely. No surprise the 2 parties most in love with social media are SFG

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Herself and her husbands ilk have been well served by moderate politics. If that’s what you mean by“we”


Seriously? Maybe Jennifer and her Ilk have been well served by our politicians but vast swathes of the population unfortunately have not. The thousands of victims of state sponsored child abuse would beg to differ I’d say. The women who were imprisoned in Magdalene laundries might see things a little differently to Jennifer too. The families of the women who died unneccessaily due to the cervical check scandal hardly feel ‘well served’ by our moderate politicians. How’s about the 56 homeless people who have died on the streets of Dublin this year? Well served do you think?
I could go on but I can’t be bothered.


Husbands ??

The Unionists were right that Home Rule means Rome Rule.

There have been great opportunities and great social mobility in Ireland for the last 50 years. Since we shook off the shackles of the Catholic Church we have become one of the most progressive and economically prosperous countries in the world. Are we perfect? No.

Homelessness exists everywhere on Earth. It’s generally an addiction or mental illness issue. Could we do more? Probably but people always fall through the cracks.

The health system needs a redesign but public sector unions make that close to impossible.

There is no utopia. Sweden was the poster child but it had a bad Covid for its supporters.


That’s the way it’s gone and is going. It’s dog whistle politics. But it connects with the modern audience unfortunately. There is no time for nuance or shades of grey on social media.

Blueshirts have a staggering ability to pat themselves on the back, while being totally oblivious to the plight of the vast majority who are less well off. That’s what makes dem Blueshirts I suppose and that’s what makes Leo their king.


I think any stats would disprove your theory that the vast majority of less well off people are doing poorly in Ireland today


The Blueshirts Bantz is more of it.

Point out the utopia where nobody is “less well off”. Usually a place where everybody is equally poor which is the politics of Sinn Fein.

Most people in Ireland who are less well off are far better off than they were even 15 years ago never mind 50 years ago.

There are social issues in Ireland due to systemic long term unemployment. No doubt. That’s a tough nut to crack and requires a long term strategy focussed on education. For whatever reason those areas never benefited from the education boom of free secondary and then third level education.


The middle class are the new poor in FGs Ireland. Two jobs to pay bills, mortgage and the prospect of kids living with them until their 30 as they’ll never afford a house, if they can get one before then. The long term unemployed have never had it better

I get up early in the morning so I do

Blueshirt wants to shake off Blueshirt legacy shocker.

People’s expectations have also risen dramatically in terms of an expected standard of living. Foreign holidays, two cars, ski trips, dining out, kitchen islands, robot lawn mowers etc etc.

Not to say people are not allowed to have those expectations but that tends to require two salaries and all that costs in terms of family time and other sacrifices - child care is very expensive as an example.

I’d agree middle class are hammered and pay high tax and then supplement that with private health care, increasing education costs and in a society where they are unlikely to be given an old age pension when they retire so increased pension costs due to demographics which no party will touch due to populism.