Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

You tied Fine Gael’s foundation to the Troubles, there is no connection.

Can you go back to your original point please?

Tim, Tim, Tim.

You still refuse to address why FG are covering up British state murders on this island. I’m not going to allow you sidestep this.

Or the tin foil hat brigade with almost half of SF supporters being anti-vaxxers

What is the point of having a report if its never going to see the light of day? You cant just decide to withhold because you dont like the findings because they are too sensitive or you uncovered more than you thought was possible when the terms of reference were set out. There really needs to be a truth commission set up and all grievances aired as there will never be proper reconciliation until past ghosts are laid to rest.

Is there possibly a bit of a class element to this debate too? 1916/WOI would have definitely tended to be more ‘middle class’ teachers farmers sons, students etc, with the troubles in the North definitely a different socio economic IRA.
The old IRA were a more respectable class of terrorist

FG want to coverup British state murders on this island.

We saw it with the Dublin-Monaghan bombings, we see it with Aidan McAnespie.

The far right blueshirts on here like Tim Riggins and TallBack support British State terrorism on Irish people and don’t want the truth uncovered.

Lesbians? Nice. *


Stanley has deleted his Twitter.

He’s been disappeared?

How are the knees with him?

FG Twitter bullies.

It’s like taking a box of matches off an errant child.

It’s the safest thing for all concerned.

Time will tell.

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This should be good…


SF and FG deserve one another .

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The choreography is so telegraphed it’s embarrassing really. Terri Prone wouldn’t be that amateurish so it must be another of the 12 or so experts who told Leo to put it out there about being subjected to homophobic abuse a day in advance.
PR campaigns need to be clandestine to be effective. The smoothie stunt backfired as our media wouldn’t dig any further but whoever is advising FG need to do better.

It’s absolutely pathetic.