Sinn Fein - Populism and Partionism

I asked you why FG continue to thwart the McAnespie family in their quest for justice?

You’d think at this stage, given the number of scandals, that SF would have a team looking full-time into their elected representatives past social media/public utterances to try and get rid of the clangers before they go mainstream. I supposed they could call it the “Disappeared Squad” or something


FG could have done with a nutting squad for the likes of verona

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What does this have to do with the topics that you raised previously?

Take a fucking break from yourselves ffs.

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Gas cunts. I never thought Brian Stanley would ever stoke this much passion in anyone

I’m talking about the callous way FG treat victims of the trouble as political footballs.

When they actually have the ability to something tangible and real to bring some justice into for a victim of the troubles, they opt not to do the right thing and that’s because the culture of Fine Gael is the exact same culture as when they were The Blueshirts. They are for an elite ruling class and have no moral compunction about they maintain that.

Covering up British Army murders doesn’t knock a stir out of FG and it’s telling that you won’t address the question I posed to you.

Deflection and What about ery from Spin Fein.

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It’s almost like a parody. Spin Fein have their fair share of racist homophobic gombeens.

Time for the online snipers to be put to use

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The problem with the SF online effort is also its effectiveness to some degree. They throw copious amounts of mud that invariably dirty people who haven’t warranted it. Some mud sticks however and they’ve been very effective in shining a light on the cosy relationship between msm and FFG and the interdependence that exists between them.

FG and SF both happy to stoke the culture wars online. FF are too old to adopt technology, Greens are too busy cycling and labour need AK47 to revert to his inner megalomaniac ways to gain more traction.

No, you were were originally defending Brian Stanley despite the fact that he apologised over his Warrenpoint remark.

As a known homophobe, you then didn’t think his problematic tweet was worth talking about and brought up one of the founders of Fine Gael. I asked you a simple enough question on whether it was better to commemorate fascist founders like your football team do and PSF, instead of being naturally embarrassed by them, but you won’t answer.

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So you’re going to ignore the fact that FG are trying to cover up British State murders on this island.

Not much moral conviction with your average Blueshirt is there?

Stanley is in trouble. His tweet clearly references Leo’s sexuality. There’s no other plausible explanation.

He’ll have to go.

What does that have to do with fascism which you were so interested in up until 15 minutes ago?

The fashion shoes tweet wouldn’t have been directed at a straight man, who only needs formal shoes for mass and Cheltenham. Cullinane will have to go too.


No Tim, it was you who attempted to delect my question on Aidan McAnespie to fascism.

You support the coverup of British state murders on this island.

Why does Spin Fein attract homophobes.