Sinn Féin

Another politician has resigned from Sinn Fein. They appear to be struggling big time in the south. Disappointing as a few years back they looked to be offering genuine alternative to the left. They look a bit clueless now to be honest and losing politicians like Forde isn’t going to help their cause. Get the feeling SF leadership have their favourites and if you ain’t in that group SF leadership are going to leave you isolated and you have no real power within the party.

He always seemed a great hope for Sinn Fin. Very surprised to see him leave, think he’s a banker TD in future.

They were always under fire anyway but Gerry Adams’ shambolic performance in the TV debates did them a lot of damage. As I said they were always under fire from the majority of the media and the rest of the political spectrum but Adams made them look genuinely clueless on the ‘practical’ economic front. They’ve struggled for momentum ever since.

To be fair while they have regional difficulties they are still in a pretty strong position nationally and their poll percentages haven’t really dipped significantly. I expect them to do well in forthcoming general election in the 06 and will probably win a seat in by election Donegal. The fact that Forde and others are leaving the party isn’t a good sign though.

I remember one morning in the run up to the council elections back in 03/04, and the first eleven pages of the Sindo having full articles denouncing the evils of Sinn Fein. There was an eight or nine month campaign against them in the Sindo and they ended up making massive gains. It was beautiful. That was their high point, strange enough for a left wing party that it would come in the middle of an economic boom.

Martin McGuinness has announced he is to stand down as MP for Mid-Ulster.

Any reason why?

From RTE:

He said his resignation is in line with Sinn Féin’s commitment to end double-jobbing.

Strange one

Recent investigations by the Indo have revealed that some Sinn Fein members were formerly in the IRA

Didn’t mcguiness alway admit he was?

Has anyone told Matt Cooper about this?

Vincent Browne’s books in the presidential debate last year was fucking hilarious.
He says you’re in the IRA!

:clap: :lol:

Fairly decent article by Gene Kerrigan today about the pathetic nature of Enda Kenny playing the IRA card every single time a Sinn Fein TD has him under pressure in the Dail.

Yeah it’s a joke, if SF ask a question it’s met with “where is Jean McConville” and if FF ask it’s “you have a neck with the state you left this country”. They’re a joke with these stock answers, they never deal with the question.

Someone produced the figures recently on the amount of times FG used these stock answers to opposition questions in the Dail since they came to power. It was laughable. Kenny delivering his perfectly scripted “off the cuff” remarks.

This from the cunts who tied nine IRA prisoners to a landmine, exploded it and machine-gunned the survivors.

I often wondered why the SF boys didn’t respond with remarks along those lines.

I read it in someone’s house pal. I didn’t buy it*.

*I do acknowledge this is a stock excuse for reading that shit but it is true in this instance. You must believe me.