Six Nations 2019

Jesus a right fuckin tonking at home to England. These cunts have made a show of us. They’ll always let you down these chaps

Embarrassing stuff from the guys. Can’t wait for the no doubt hard hitting analysis in the coming days

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Ooooft. This English team is like the Helga. Blowing their potato-picking opponents to smithereens.

Why do West British Rugby fans have curved rulers?

Will there be an inquest into why Henshaw haf to play full back in the press.

The media will go into full sweep sweep mode.

Ah jesus … I cant keep it in any longer … :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Shove that right up your bollox you fucking cunts,

A rugby world cup :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Get that down ye … pissed all over in your own back yard. Not just beaten, but humiliated.

@glasagusban @Horsebox


This is an England side with a lot of the personnel who won three of the last five Championships. England were robbed of a victory against New Zealand back in November. Eleven of the England starting team were British Lions in New Zealand just over eighteen months ago.

What are you suggesting here mate?

Let it all out fellas :rofl:

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Ireland have downed tools. They are not playing for this coach.

Delighted for @Fagan_ODowd - I hope he froze his bollox off and spent a fortune doing it. You fucking wanker.

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Can nobody explain to me how exactly that was a forward pass?

4 tries :joy:

Good call, pal.

Will Schmidt walk today, tomorrow or Monday?

Glad I sat this one out.

Forward pass

Not often a team 1/3 on so well beaten

The scummy soccer crowd will have a field day


Apes in the crowd celebrating, sums this fuckin farce of a sport up

Would Paddy Jackson solve any problems for us lads? He couldn’t be any worse than what we saw today.