
Great to see

The TFK boys and these chaps should get themselves over to the Venezuelan Paradise

True for you Timmy. These clowns need to realise that Bilderberg Coveney looks out for the many and not the few.

You are all wrong here … all of you… fucking gowls digging in on one side or the other.

There’s no sides here you plebs.

The Radio Ulster discussion was fairly informative and seemed to b reasonably balanced. Contributors, while not totally agreeing with each other’s perpective, pretty much saying what @anon61878697 just said. It’s not binary. There aren’t going to be any straightforward, easy solutions.

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Obviously a keen follower of TFK’s Capitalist Pigs thread

All her money is in foreign banks, just like her daddy. Over the years billions (in US dollars) of cash generated by the oil industry were laundered to European banks, Cayman islands, etc.

There are sides you clown. There is one side (Chavez/Maduro) that stole the wealth of a country for themselves and their cronies and destroyed the economy, resulting in mass starvation and 10% of the country fleeing the country as economic refugees. This in a country which has the largest oil reserves in the world.

You truly can be a thicko sometimes for someone supposedly highly educated.

Capitalism 101

Are you suggesting chavez’s young wan stole her da’s bank card?

I didn’t say anything about bank cards.

What I am suggesting is appropriating as much money as you can into your bank account is Capitalism 101.

Which it most definitely is.

On that basis, capitalism has ruined Venezuela.

Maybe she had a or something. Is that what you think?

Dont give a fuck

Is there any evidence of this. Forbes article referenced some latino paper making the claim. Lots of people seem to be using that as a source and reporting it as fact. T’internet isnt turning anything else up.

What would you count as evidence?

I dunno… . Something besides articles in the Daily Mail and the Sun. Lots of “allegedly” and “rumoured to be” accusations. Ive no doubt they have money squirrelled away but billions! Have these accounts been frozen in thr US crackdown?

This is the basis of the claims as far as i can see…I would like to see has the mentioned this evidence been produced… and if not do all the claims of her having billions lead back to this article and are now taken as fact?

And the US played no part in any of it? —

Go way you fool… It’s tragic what has happened the country and the US and the Chavez/Maduro gang have both played a part.

Keep in mind that Maduro has only been in power since 2013, and Chavez was in power for 14 years, during which time the profits of the state owned oil company PDVSA ran directly through him. It’s not too much of a leap of imagination that the bus driver Maduro learned the art of siphoning off hundreds of millions of dollars for family members from Chavez.